Doha, Qatar, Monday, 27 March 2023 – The QFC Regulatory Authority (QFCRA)
announced today that it has developed and issued a new regulatory
framework for listed derivatives. The Derivatives Markets and Exchanges Rules
2023 (“DMEX”) was launched following an extensive three-month public
consultation with investors and market participants. The launch of DMEX
means that the regulatory framework is now in place in the Qatar Financial
Centre to allow for the establishment of a derivatives exchange and also a
Central Clearing Counterparty to ensure efficient settlement of trades and
management of settlement risk.
Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE) welcomed the QFCRA’s announcement.
Abdulaziz Al-Emadi, QSE’s Acting Chief Executive Officer commented that “the
launch of DMEX creates the necessary regulatory framework for QSE to move
forward with its plans to establish a derivatives exchange and central clearing
counterparty. The launch of the derivatives exchange will be an important
milestone in the development of the Qatar capital markets and Qatar’s
ambition to move to developed market status. We are grateful to the QFCRA
and its Board of Directors for all they have done to bring this to fruition.”
The establishment of the derivatives exchange will offer investors the ability to
trade cash-settled options and futures on individual stocks listed on the QSE
and the QSE equity index that will be listed on the new derivatives exchange.
QSE plans to establish both a derivatives exchange and a central clearing
counterparty in the QFC, and recently announced that it will partner with the
London Stock Exchange Group to provide the new trading, clearing, and
market surveillance technology.
Michael Ryan, QFCRA’s Chief Executive Officer noted that “the QFCRA looks
forward to working with the QSE to launch the new exchange. The derivatives
exchange will provide opportunities for investors to better manage and
diversify their portfolios, and it will also provide local and regional financial
institutions and brokers new opportunities to grow and expand their business
with clients.”