Doha, Qatar, Sunday, 18 June 2023 – The Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) participated, in conjunction with the Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA), in the 48th International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) Annual Meeting, which took place 13-15 June in Bangkok, Thailand under the organisation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Thailand.
The QFCRA’s delegation was led by Ms Farah Abdulrahman Al-Muftah, Managing Director of Policy, Legal and Enforcement. As part of the QFCRA’s longstanding relationship with IOSCO, it is an active member and participated in the following committee meetings:
Africa/Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC): The AMERC is one of four regional committees constituted by IOSCO to focus on regional issues relating to securities regulation in the African/Middle East region.
Growth and Emerging Markets Committee (GEMC): The Committee seeks to promote the development and greater efficiency of emerging securities markets by establishing principles and minimum standards, providing training programmes and technical assistance for members and facilitating the exchange of information and transfer of technology and expertise.
Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Monitoring Group (MMoU MG): The MMoU MG discusses matters relating to international cooperation and information exchange under the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU).
In addition to the three committee’s noted above, QFCRA also attended the President’s Committee. The President’s Committee is composed of all the Presidents (Chairs) of ordinary and associate IOSCO members and discusses the work and high-level themes concerning securities regulators.
“This year marks the important milestone of the 20th anniversary of the IOSCO MMoU and the 40th anniversary of the Presidents Committee. The IOSCO MMoU has served as an important pathway to gaining information from other regulators through a structured mechanism, while the Presidents Committee has provided an important forum for securities regulators to discuss topics of interest. One of the elements that make the IOSCO MMoU such a pivotal tool for international cooperation on securities matters is the accountability mechanism that IOSCO has established for responding and complying with the terms of the MMoU,” commented Ms Al-Muftah.
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