Page 24 - Annual Report 2019
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21  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                    Daniel L. Glaser
                    Board member
                    Daniel L. Glaser was appointed as a member of the QFC Regulatory Authority
                    Board in March 2018. Mr Glaser is a member of the Board’s Audit and
                    Risk Committee.

                    Mr Glaser is a Principal with the Financial Integrity Network (FIN) based
                    in Washington, D.C., and as of September 2019, a partner of the combined
                    firm of K2 Intelligence and FIN.

                    He previously served as Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and
                    Financial Crimes in the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Terrorism
                    and Financial Intelligence from May 2011 through January 2017. As Assistant
                    Secretary, Mr Glaser was responsible for helping to formulate and coordinate
                    counterterrorist financing and anti-money laundering policies and strategies
                    for the Treasury Department and throughout the U.S. government.

                    Mr Glaser served previously as the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Deputy Assistant
                    Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes from November 2004 to May
                    2011. He was responsible for developing and coordinating policies to protect the U.S.
                    and international financial systems from abuse related to money laundering, terrorist
                    financing, and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
                    Prior to these positions, Mr Glaser served as the first ever Director of the Treasury
                    Department’s Executive Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes.
                    Mr Glaser also served as the Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Financial Action
                    Task Force (FATF) from 2001-2011 and held various positions within the
                    FATF through 2016.

                    Mr Glaser has also previously served as Senior Counsel for Financial Crimes in
                    the Treasury Department’s Office of the General Counsel and as an attorney for
                    the U.S. Secret Service. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the
                    Columbia University School of Law.
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