Page 23 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 23

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                   Risk Assessment Visits (RAVs)                                                             SupTech and Innovation

                   Arising from its risk assessment activities, the BIS                                      During 2022, the division welcomed new data scientists
                   supervisory programme focused on the following                                            to support the adoption of self-service analytics

                   priority areas based on the results of risk assessments:                                  and the Supervision 2030 vision for AI-augmented

                                                                                                             supervisory processes. The team provided supervisors
                   •  Credit risk and asset quality
                                                                                                             with training in KNIME, a no-code analytics platform,
                   •  Operational resilience and business continuity
                                                                                                             and delivered analytical enhancements for Approved
                   •  Governance and risk management arrangements; and
                                                                                                             Individuals and AML/CFT.  The team also presented
                   •  Liquidity and solvency reviews.
                                                                                                             their work on automated, machine-learning-powered

                   BIS conducted 5 RAVs at banks and insurers in                                             risk scores for banks at the European Central Bank’s

                   2022. Overall, the results of the RAVs conducted                                          Supervision Innovators Conference in September 2022.

                   were satisfactory and in line with previous years.
                                                                                                             The QFCRA’s Financial Analysis and Innovation team

                                                                                                             started a tendering process for a partner to build a
                   Thematic reviews                                                                          Supervisory Master Data Management solution. The

                                                                                                             solution, which will utilise a graph database, natural
                   BIS conducted a thematic review on reasonable and
                                                                                                             language processing, and collaborative workflows, will
                   customary rates to understand better the process
                                                                                                             integrate datasets across a range of internal and external
                   and rationale for arriving at the reimbursement
                                                                                                             resources and support several further solutions.
                   rate for customers’ medical claims using out-of-
                   network providers, and the adequacy of disclosures

                   made by insurers in this regard to better protect

                   the customers and ensure they are treated fairly.
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