Page 25 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                   Authorisation                                                                             Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism Supervision

                   The Authorisation department is responsible for                                           AML/CFT Regulatory Framework                                                               FATF Mutual Evaluation                                                                     National Risk Assessment

                   assessing and approving applications from firms and                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Sectoral Risk Assessment
                   individuals seeking authorisation from the QFCRA to                                       The QFCRA’s AML/CFT framework is based on Law                                              FATF conducted a Mutual Evaluation (ME) of the

                   conduct regulated activities in or from the QFC. The                                      No (20) of 2019 on Combatting Money Laundering                                             State of Qatar in June 2022.  Qatar’s report was                                           The QFCRA continued to monitor any outputs from the

                   department also acts as the interface between                                             and Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT Law) and the                                              discussed at the FATF Plenary in February 2023,                                            National Risk Assessment (NRA) in line with our Sectoral

                   applicants and the Companies Registration Office of the                                   Implementing Regulations, and Law No (27) of 2019                                          with the outcome published in May 2023.                                                    Risk Assessment (SRA), noting no material risks were
                   QFC Authority regarding their licensing or incorporation                                  Promulgating the Law on Combating Terrorism (CT                                                                                                                                       identified that would cause any changes to our current

                   in the QFC.                                                                               Law).  These laws are supplemented by detailed                                             The QFCRA’s AML/CFT team spent significant time                                            risk-based assessment of our regulated population.
                                                                                                             requirements under the Anti-Money Laundering and                                           preparing for the evaluation, including updating

                   In 2022, the department met with prospective                                              Combating the Financing of Terrorism Rules 2019 (AML/                                      the technical compliance and immediate outcome
                   applicants, reviewed their submitted regulatory business                                  CFTR) for financial institutions (FIs) and designated                                      responses.  Based on the onsite assessment,

                   plans, and involved the Supervision department                                            non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs),                                         FATF did not identify any action items or areas

                   to ensure appropriate issues management after                                             and the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating                                                of improvement related to the QFCRA.

                   authorisation. During the year, 1 insurance company,                                      the Financing of Terrorism (General Insurance)
                   1 captive insurance company, 2 fund managers,                                             Rules 2019 (AMLG) for general insurance firms.

                   and 1 investment advisory firm were authorised.                                           These rules align with Financial Action Task Force
                                                                                                             (FATF) global recommendations and standards.

                   The number of individuals approved to perform
                   controlled functions at authorised firms increased                                        In 2022, the QFCRA’s AML/CFT team continued

                   by 29 to 440 by year-end.                                                                 implementing its 2021-2024 AML/CFT Strategic
                                                                                                             Plan.  The team supervised 98 firms (64 FIs and 34

                                                                                                             DNFBPs), following a risk-based approach considering
                   Table 2:                                                                                  a firm’s activities, customers, and risk profile.

                   2022 statistics

                   Licenced Firms                                        2022

                   Regulated                                               64

                   Non-regulated                                         1670

                   Total                                                 1734

                   Approved Individuals

                   Total                                                  440
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30