Page 28 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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National Risk Assessment (NRA) and 2023 highlights
Sectoral Risk Assessment (SRA)
The AML/CFT team issued revised guidance for the
The National Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Independent Review Report and provided outreach
Financing Committee (NAMLC) formed a working sessions for Independent Reviewers. Additionally,
group during 2023 to review and update Qatar’s the team commenced a project to harmonise the
NRA. The QFCRA participates in this working group AML/CFT reporting obligation. In this connection
and continues to monitor any outputs from the NRA the Q25 Annual AML/CFT Return and Q26 NAMLC
in line with our Sectoral Risk Assessment (SRA). Data Collection Form were merged into a single
Q27 AML/CFT Return. Guidance and outreach
sessions were conducted with all firms to explain
the revised procedures for the 2023 return.
Thematic reviews
The AML/CFT team carried out 3
thematic reviews in 2023:
1. Q25 Annual AML/CFT Return and
Q26 NAMLC Data Collection Form project;
2. Annual MLRO Report project; and
3. Independent Review Report (IRR) project.
These reviews assessed the quality of
returns, updated the AML/CFT risk ratings,
identified compliance reporting issues by
the Money Laundering Reporting Officer
(MLRO) and Independent Reviewers, and
assisted in the formulation of action plans
to address the aforementioned.