Page 37 - Annual Report 2017
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 Ewald Müller                                                                Prue Morris
 Managing Director, Supervision and Authorisation                            Managing Director, Policy and Enforcement
 Mr Müller joined the QFC Regulatory Authority in April 2012 as Direc-       Ms Morris joined the QFC Regulatory Authority in October 2006 as
 tor, Financial Analysis. He joined from the South African Institute         Associate Director, Policy, moving to the position of Director, Policy
 of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) where, as Senior Executive:                in 2010, followed by her appointment in January 2015 to Senior
 Standards,  he  influenced  developments  in  international  stan-          Director of the reformulated Policy and Legislative Counsel divi-
 dard-setting and South African legislation and regulation.                  sion. In August 2016, she was appointed Managing Director, Policy
                                                                             and Enforcement, with responsibility for policy, enforcement and
 In October 2015 he was appointed as Director, Prudential Super-
 vision (Banking and Asset Management) and Financial Analysis.               legislative counsel.
 In August 2016, he was appointed Managing Director, Supervision             With over 25 years of experience in financial sector regulatory
 and Authorisation, with responsibility for banking, investment man-         policy, Ms Morris serves on joint regulatory committees in Qatar.
 agement, insurance, anti-money laundering and macroprudential               She is involved in training Qatari law graduates through both the
 analysis.                                                                   Regulatory Authority’s Al Masar nationalisation programme and
                                                                             serving as a mentor in the Qatar University Women’s Law Mentoring
 Prior to his position with SAICA, Mr Müller held senior roles in financial
 management, regulation, financial analysis and investor relations,          Program.
 primarily in financial services. Mr Müller is a member of the King          Ms Morris came to the Regulatory Authority from the Australian
 Committee on Corporate Governance and the Global Forum                      Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) in Australia, where she was
 for Ethics. He serves on the Intergovernmental Working Group of             a senior policy officer and involved in prudential policy work in
 Experts on International Standards on Accounting and Reporting              the banking, insurance and superannuation (pension) industries.
 of UNCTAD (which he chaired in 2014), and was previously Chair-             She contributed to key superannuation and life insurance reforms,
 man of XBRL SA and a member of the Audit Committee Forum and                implementing policy recommendations of the Australian Financial
 the Corporate Governance Network of the Institute of Directors              System Inquiry (Wallis) Report and the General Insurance reform
 SA. Mr Müller has presented at various international conferences            package in response to the HIH Royal Commission. She was respon-
 hosted by organisations such as the World Bank, the World Congress          sible for legislative work and coordination with the Commonwealth
 of Accountants, the United Nations, and IFAC, and was also an               Treasury and Attorney-General’s Department on APRA’s policy
 anchor on business radio and television.                                    issues from 2000 to 2006.

                                                                             Ms Morris has also held positions relating to Australia’s energy policy
                                                                             development, including participation in high-level APEC forums.
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