Page 42 - Annual Report 2017
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       The  Supervision  and  Authorisation  division  comprises39  staff   SUPERVISION                                                                evaluate the options available to the Regulatory Authority in the   necessitated by the release of new Islamic Banking Rules (Islamic
       and  consists  of  the  Authorisation,  Supervision  (comprising  the                                                                           implementation of the LCR and NSFR requirements.                 Banking Business Prudential Rules 2015, effective 1 April 2017), and
       Bank  Supervision,  Insurance  Supervision  and  Investment                                                                                     In  2017,  the  second  phase  of  the  QIS  covered  additional   enhanced analysis for the MNSFR and MLR, referenced above.
       Management Supervision departments), Anti-money Laundering/                                                                                     reporting  periods  from  31  March  to  30  June  2017  to  allow  for
       Combating  the  Financing  of  Terrorism  (AML/CFT),  and        The  Bank  Supervision,  Insurance  Supervision  and  Investment               additional calibration with data on the use of foreign currency   Banking charts
       Macroprudential Analysis teams.                                  Management Supervision departments are responsible for the
                                                                        effective  ongoing  supervision  of  authorised  institutions  and             high quality liquid assets. In November 2017, the third phase of   The department held meetings with firms’ senior management,
       In 2017, the division concentrated on the regulation of liquidity risk,   individuals.                                                          the QIS commenced. The notable change in this phase was the      governing bodies and external auditors to review and discuss the
       the implementation of new accounting for financial instruments,                                                                                 introduction of the Modified NSFR (MNSFR), which has a model     latest prudential returns. Key charts were used to analyse trends
       and the collection, analysis and application of information on   The  Regulatory  Authority  operates  a  risk–based  approach  to              similar to the NSFR, but better reflects QFC banks’ funding structures,   and identify emerging risks, strengthening the Regulatory Authority’s
       prudential returns. The insurance team conducted thematic reviews   supervision that allows it to focus on issues most likely to impact         and the Minimum Liquidity Rate (MLR). Both the MLR and the MNSFR   risk-based approach to supervision.
       of medical and motor insurance business lines, while the division’s   its objectives and to allow for a more efficient use of resources.        seek to strike a balance between managing liquidity risk and     Please see page 52 for a selection of banking charts documenting
       AML/CFT team evaluated and enhanced risk-rating models and       The  department  maintains  regular  contact  with  the  industry              achieving proportionality.                                       some key trends per risk category, relevant to the Regulatory
       worked closely with State officials on this national effort. Actions and   by performing regular analyses of business intelligence reports      The results of the QIS will inform the Regulatory Authority’s position   Authority’s authorised banks. These charts illustrate the type of
       decisions were informed by the division’s expert macroprudential   generated from the prudential returns submitted in the eXtensible            on the proposed Liquidity Risk Rules expected to be implemented   information that is analysed by supervisors on an ongoing basis
       analysts, who considered ramifications of the Saudi-led blockade of   Business Reporting Language (XBRL)-based reporting platform               in the first half of 2018.                                       and is available to the Regulatory Authority’s senior management.
       Qatar among other global issues, to inform the work of the various   with accompanying explanations supplied by authorised firms,
       departments.                                                     conducting  on-site  and  off-site  risk  assessments  as  necessary,          Thematic review on impact of
                                                                        and providing and seeking feedback on findings to individual                                                                                    Investment Management Supervision
                                                                        firms’ governing body, senior management and other approved                    the Saudi-led blockade
       Risk Assessment Visits                                           individuals.
                                                                                                                                                       In  response  to  regional  events  that  commenced  on  5  June   Investment Management Supervision was responsible for ongoing
       As an important part of its risk-based approach to supervision, the   The Supervision departments also participate in local and global          2017, Bank Supervision generated additional liquidity reporting   supervision of 10 investment management and advisory firms during
       Regulatory Authority conducts risk assessments of specific firms   supervisory colleges to enhance collaboration with other regulators          requirements. The requirements provide granular data on a weekly   2017. Certain firms report on a monthly basis and others quarterly.
       and intermediaries in addition to thematic and sectorial reviews.   in the State of Qatar and internationally. Prudential and conduct           basis on the impact of the blockade on QFC firms.                Return reviews are conducted during the month after submissions
       To ensure that the Regulatory Authority uses its resources effectively   supervision are both conducted by the same supervisor for each                                                                          are received and this off-site supervision is augmented by regular
       to mitigate risks to its statutory objectives, documented supervisory   firm, which is deemed appropriate given the current nature, scale       IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments) implementation                    interaction with senior management at firms and risk assessment
       engagement strategies are in place for each firm. These strategies   and complexity of the authorised firms’ universe.                                                                                           visits. Further focus areas during the year are discussed below.
       are reviewed annually and periodically thereafter to ensure that                                                                                The International Accounting Standards Board issued International
       the relevant identified risks, including emerging risks, are evaluated   Bank Supervision                                                       Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 - Financial Instruments in July   Product returns framework
       efficiently by the individual Supervision departments and mitigated                                                                             2014.
       with the most appropriate tools.                                                                                                                Regulated  institutions  are  required  to  apply  IFRS  9  for  annual   Following  the  enhancement  of  IOSCO  standards  for  investor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        protection and fund management practices in 2016, Investment
       One such tool is the conduct of Risk Assessments Visits (RAVs) of   Bank Supervision was responsible for ongoing supervision of 25              periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. Under this accounting   Management implemented a set of new Product Returns (PRs)
       regulated firms, with a number of RAVs conducted in a risk-based   banking and advisory firms during 2017.  Beyond the performance              standard,  the  move  to  an  expected  credit  loss  impairment   to supervise and analyse investment products marketed, sold or
       manner during 2017. One important enhancement was the roll-      of monthly return reviews, periodic bilateral and trilateral meetings          approach for loans and other exposures represents an area of     managed by QFC firms.
       out of reviews in conjunction with experts from the Regulatory   with firms and auditors, and risk assessment visits, additional areas          significant change. The Regulatory Authority has monitored the
       Authority’s AML/CFT department as an integral part of the risk   of focus during the year are discussed below.                                  state of preparedness and, going forward, will monitor the impacts   The first phase, which covers banks, investment managers and
       assessment process, rather than conducting separate reviews. A key   Liquidity risk framework                                                   closely.                                                         advisory firms, has been established. The second phase will include
       result of these RAVs was the production and issue of risk mitigation                                                                                                                                             insurance products, as well as a complete trend analysis for all
       programmes to relevant firms and their subsequent implementation,   In 2016, to ensure compliance with the Basel Committee on Banking           Prudential returns                                               investment products.
       all actively monitored by the Supervision departments.           Supervision’s reforms on liquidity risk, the Supervision division ran          The department is in the fourth year of the implementation of new
                                                                        the first of a three-phase Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) on the              prudential returns and management information derived from the
                                                                        key liquidity risk metrics, Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net             XBRL-based reporting platform. This initiative has resulted in better
                                                                        Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). The QIS covered the reporting quarters            quality data for the ongoing supervision and monitoring of regulated
                                                                        ending June, September and December 2016, and was used to                      firms. Improvements to the returns process are in development,
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