Page 79 - Annual Report 2017
P. 79

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 5.   Retained premium and       Premiums retained increased from 73% to 80% over the 12-month   6.   Combined ratio  The combined ratio was slightly above 100% over the 12-month
    ceded premium  period ending 31 December 2017, with a commensurate decrease   period ending 31 December 2017, reflecting negative underwriting
 in reinsurance premiums reflecting less reliance on reinsurance by          results. The level of profitability was broadly a reflection of the highly
 QFC insurers.                                                               competitive insurance market in Qatar. This has led to pressure on
                                                                             premium rates and operating models, and narrower profit margins.

 100%          120%

 80%           100%
 70%            80%

 50%            60%
 Percent  40%  Percent

 30%            40%
 10%            20%

 Q1 2016  Q2 2016  Q3 2016  Q4 2016  Q1 2017  Q2 2017  Q3 2017  Q4 2017  0%
                         Q1 2016       Q2 2016      Q3 2016       Q4 2016       Q1 2017       Q2 2017      Q3 2017       Q4 2017
 Retained premium   Reinsurance premium
                               Loss  ratio         Expense ratio            Combined ratio
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84