Page 75 - Annual Report 2017
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 1.   Composition of total assets   The composition of total assets of the insurance sector has remained   2.   Composition of investments     Total investments were dominated by cash and liquid assets and
 fairly consistent and was dominated by cash and other investments.          fixed-interest securities, with an insignificant amount of real estate.
 The reduction in the total assets in the third quarter of 2017 reflects     The proportion of cash and liquid assets and fixed-interest securities
 the insurance portfolio transfer conducted by QIC International LLC         to total investments increased slightly over the 12-month period
 as part of the firm’s de-authorisation process.                             ending 31 December 2017 from 87% to 91%. QFC insurers are
                                                                             expected to maintain a high proportion of their investments in liquid
                                                                             assets given the short-term nature of the firms’ insurance liabilities,
                                                                             which are predominantly motor and medical insurance related.

            Q4 2017                                                          Q4 2016
               45% CASH & LIQUID ASSETS                                         43% CASH & LIQUID ASSETS

               46% FIXED MATURITIES                                             44% FIXED MATURITIES
               4% EQUITY INVESTMENTS                                            11% EQUITY INVESTMENTS
               3% REAL ESTATE                                                   2% REAL ESTATE
 4,000         2% OTHER INVESTMENTS                                             0% OTHER INVESTMENTS
 QAR Millions  3,000



 Q1 2016  Q2 2016  Q3 2016  Q4 2016  Q1 2017  Q2 2017  Q3 2017  Q4 2017

 Cash  & liquid assets  Other investments  Reinsurance receivables  Premiums receivables  Other assets
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80