Page 93 - Annual Report 2017
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 Multilateral Memoranda of Understanding                                     The Alternative Investment Fund Managers
 On  15  January  2017,  the  Regulatory  Authority  formally  signed
 the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)            In November 2017, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers
 Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU). A signing cer-             Directive (AIFMD) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between
 emony took place at the IOSCO Annual Conference on 17 May.                  the  Regulatory  Authority  and  European  National  Competent
 The IOSCO MMoU is an international benchmark for cross-bor-                 Authorities (ENCA) was negotiated and approved with the Euro-
 der co-operation and provides regulators with important tools to            pean Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), which centrally
 combat cross-border fraud and misconduct that can undermine                 represents all ENCA for the negotiation. The signing of the AIFMD
 investor confidence and lead to weakened global markets.                    MoUs will allow fund managers in the QFC to manage and market
                                                                             Alternative Investment Funds to professional investors in the Euro-
                                                                             pean Economic Area under the AIFMD rules.
 The International Organization of Securities Com-
 missions (IOSCO) is the international body that
 brings together the world’s securities regulators                           Partnering with peer regulators and other
 and is recognised as the global standard-setter for                         agencies in Qatar
 the securities sector. IOSCO develops, implements                           The Regulatory Authority has continued to work closely with the
 and promotes adherence to internationally rec-                              Qatar  Central  Bank  and  the  Qatar  Financial  Markets  Author-
 ognised standards for securities regulation. It works                       ity under the auspices of the Financial Stability and Risk Control
                                                                             Committee chaired by His Excellency, Sheikh Abdulla bin Saoud
 intensively with the G20 and the Financial Stability                        Al-Thani, Governor of the Qatar Central Bank and Chairman of
 Board on the global regulatory reform agenda.                               the Regulatory Authority. Key examples of close coordination are
                                                                             outlined throughout this report.

 The Swiss Federal Oversight Authority                                       The Policy department prepares a monthly Regulatory Develop-
                                                                             ment Review, a comprehensive summary and assessment of key
 After a thorough analysis of the Regulatory Authority equivalence           international and regional regulatory developments, proposals and
 assessment by the Swiss Federal Audit Oversight Authority (FAOA),           changes. This is shared each month with peer regulators in Qatar.
 the Swiss government decided in August 2017 to recognise the
 audit oversight system of the QFC as equivalent. The QFC was                In June 2017, the Legislative Counsel department concluded a
 added to the FAOA’s “Mutual Recognition” list, effective from 1             Service Level Agreement with the QFC Authority’s Legal Services
 October 2017. As a result, a company based in the QFC may now               team to provide the QFC Authority with legislative drafting services.
 provide statutory or comparable audit services without being sub-           The services include drafting, reviewing and advising on the QFC
 ject to FAOA oversight if they audit Swiss companies that draw on           Authority’s legislation. As part of the Service Level Agreement, Leg-
 the Swiss capital market.                                                   islative Counsel is training a lawyer from the QFC Authority in policy
                                                                             and legislative drafting and organising a legislative drafting unit.
                                                                             The trainee also acts as liaison for all matters relating to the agree-
                                                                             ment and for greater coordination of the work of both parties.
                                                                             The Regulatory Authority participated in seven consultations with
                                                                             the QFC Authority on key new and amended Regulations to provide
                                                                             feedback, ensuring that the QFC regulatory and legal framework
                                                                             remains relevant and benchmarked to international best practice.
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