Page 102 - Annual Report 2019
P. 102

99  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            Statement of Financial Position
            as of 31 December 2019


            Equity                                Notes                 2019 | USD ‘000                2018 | USD ‘000
            General reserve                        9                        20,043                        20,043
            Retained surplus                       9                        59,366                         3,377
            Total equity                                                    79,409                        23,420


            Non-current liabilities
            Finance lease obligation               6                          -                             88
            Lease liabilities                      6                         91                             -
            Employees’ end of service benefits     10                       3,803                          2,485

            Total non-current liabilities                                   3,894                          2,573
            Current liabilities
            Finance lease obligation               6                          -                             96
            Lease liabilities                      6                         148                            -
            Accounts payable and accruals          11                       9,629                          8,762

            Total current liabilities                                       9,777                          8,858
            Total liabilities                                               13,671                        11,431

            TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                   93,080                         34,851

            *The attached notes 1 to 19 form part of these financial statements.
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