Page 105 - Annual Report 2019
P. 105

102  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            Statement of Cash Flows
            For the year ended 31 December 2019

            OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                  Notes                 2019 | USD ‘000               2018 | USD ‘000
            Excess of income over expenses for the year before appropriations              16,907                       (35,948)
            Adjustments for:
            Depreciation of furniture and equipment                 4                        52                           163
            Depreciation of right-of-use asset                      6                       134                            -

            Amortisation of intangible assets                       5                       405                           410
            (Reversal)/allowance for expected                       8                        (5)                          10
            credit losses of short-term deposits
            Provision for employees’ end of service benefits                                1,568                        1,412

            Interest income                                                                 (940)                        (800)
            Finance cost                                                                     12                           11

                                                                                           18,133                       (34,742)
            Working capital changes:
            Accounts receivable and prepayments                                            (56,975)                       460
            Accounts payable and accruals                                                   984                          (753)

            Cash flows used in operating activities                                        (37,858)                     (35,035)

            *The attached notes 1 to 19 form part of these financial statements.
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