Page 118 - Annual Report 2019
P. 118

115  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                       Freehold                                Under finance lease

                                            Furniture and fixtures  Office equipment   Leasehold improvements  Office equipment           Total
            Depreciation                        USD ‘000              USD ‘000              USD ‘000              USD ‘000              USD ‘000
            At 1 January 2018                     737                   578                   958                     -                   2,273
            Charge for the year                    3                     39                    17                   104                   163
            Relating to disposal/write-off         (4)                  (407)                   -                     -                   (411)

            Balance at 31 December 2018           736                   210                   975                   104                   2,025
            Reclassified to right-of-use assets (Note 6)  -               -                     -                   (104)                 (104)
            Charge for the year                    7                     20                    25                     -                    52

            Relating to disposal/write-off          -                    (5)                    -                     -                    (5)

            At 31 December 2019                   743                   225                   1,000                   -                   1,968

            Net carrying amounts
            At 31 December 2019                    15                    26                     -                     -                    41
            At 31 December 2018                    18                    36                    25                   181                   260
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123