Page 123 - Annual Report 2019
P. 123

120  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            b) QFC Regulatory Authority’s prior year finance lease obligation (cont.)
            Movement of the finance lease obligation as follows:

                                                          USD ‘000
            As at 1 January 2018                            -
            Obtained during the year                       309

            Repayments during the year                     (112)

            As at 31 December 2018 – gross                 197
            Future finance charges on financial lease      (13)

            As at 31 December 2018                         184
            Reclassified to lease liabilities (Note 6a)    (184)

            As at 1 January 2019                            -
   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128