Page 127 - Annual Report 2019
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124  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            11. Accounts Payable and Accruals

                                                              2019                2018
                                                            USD ‘000            USD ‘000
            Accounts payable                                  504                 385

            Accrued expenses                                 5,077                4,333
            Government appropriations received in advance (Note 2)  2,615         2,721
            Fees received in advance                         1,283                1,164

            Employees’ end of service benefits (Note 10)      145                 154
            Charges recovered (Note i)                         5                   5
                                                             9,629                8,762
            Note (i)
            Charges recovered represent the costs of investigation recovered from
            registered entities and is to be set off against future investigation expenses.
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