Page 129 - Annual Report 2019
P. 129

126  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            13. General and Administration Expenses

                                                                             2019                2018
                                                                           USD ‘000             USD ‘000
            Rent                                                             2,052               1,949
            Consultancy and professional fees                                1,042                895
            Amortisation of software costs (Note 5)                          405                  410
            Depreciation of right-of-use asset (Note 6)                      134                   -

            Depreciation of furniture and equipment (Note 4)                  52                  163
            (Reversal)/allowance for expected credit losses of short-term deposits (Note 8)  (5)  10
            Other expenses                                                   1,587               1,537

                                                                             5,267               4,964
            14. Commitments

                                                                             2019                2018
                                                                           USD ‘000             USD ‘000
            Non-cancellable short-term rental commitments
            Within one year                                                  1,142               1,194

            After one year but not more than five years                       4                   9
                                                                             1,146               1,203

            Non-cancellable service commitments
            Within one year                                                  986                 1,241
            After one year but not more than five years                       78                  299
                                                                             1,064               1,540
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