Page 128 - Annual Report 2019
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125  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            12. Financial Penalties

                                                              2019                2018
                                                            USD ‘000            USD ‘000
            Financial penalties on FAB (Note i)              54,870                -

            Financial penalties on registered firms           499                  -
                                                             55,369                -

            Note (i)
            Under the Financial Services Regulations (FSR), the QFC Regulatory   The QFC Regulatory Authority filed a debt application on 9
            Authority has the power to impose financial penalties where it   September 2019 with the QFC Civil and Commercial Court
            considers that a Person (as defined in the FSR) has contravened   (the “Court”).  The Court heard the matter, in February 2020
            a relevant requirement set out in Article 84 (1) of the FSR. The   and issued its judgement declaring the financial penalty with
            principles to be followed by the QFC Regulatory Authority in   interest as a debt payable to, and recoverable by, the QFC
            determining the amount of any financial penalty to be imposed   Regulatory Authority.  The Regulatory Authority is taking the
            in respect of such contraventions are set out in the QFC   necessary steps to enforce the judgement, including obtaining
            Regulatory Authority’s “Enforcement Policy Statement 2012”.   information to (i) identify assets and the location of such assets
                                                                 that are available to satisfy the judgement, and (ii) take specific
            The QFC Regulatory Authority imposed a financial penalty of   legal action to enforce payment against the assets of FAB.
            QAR 200,000,000 on First Abu Dhabi Bank P.J.S.C (“FAB”).  The
            financial penalty was due for payment on 4 September 2019.  No   Since it has not been paid, the QFC Regulatory Authority is
            payment was received from FAB.  The FSR, article 59 (4) states that   taking the steps necessary to collect the amount due as a
            “any penalty that is not paid within the period stipulated by the   debt against FAB’s assets within Qatar and internationally.
            Regulatory Authority may on application to the Court be recovered   The QFC Civil and Commercial Court has issued enforcement
            by the Regulatory Authority as a debt”. In light of the fact that   orders, including one to the Qatar Central Bank to assist
            FAB did not appeal the Decision Notice, the financial penalty is   the QFC Regulatory Authority in collection of the debt.
            now an amount legally due and payable to the QFC Regulatory   The QFC Regulatory Authority has also engaged an asset
            Authority.  If it is not paid, the QFC Regulatory Authority is entitled   tracing firm to identify assets held by FAB internationally,
            to take the steps necessary to collect the amount due as a debt.  and engaged legal counsel to advise on debt recovery.
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