Page 125 - Annual Report 2019
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122  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            8. Cash and Cash Equivalents

            Cash and cash equivalents included in the statement of cash flows consist of the following:

                                                                                 2019                     2018
                                                                               USD ‘000                 USD ‘000
            Bank balances                                                        5,919                    3,656
            Short-term deposits*                                                24,007                   26,082

            Cash and cash equivalents as per statement of cash flows            29,926                   29,738
            Less: provision for expected credit losses of short-term deposits    (63)                     (68)

            Cash and bank balances as per the statement of financial position   29,863                   29,670

            *These represent deposits with banks held for the purpose of meeting
            short-term cash commitments, having interest rates up to 4.1% (2018: 3.75%).

            The movement in the provision for expected credit losses of short-term deposits is as follows:

                                                                                 2019                     2018
                                                                               USD ‘000                 USD ‘000
            Balance as at 1 January                                               68                        -
            Amounts directly recognised in the opening retained earnings           -                       58
            (Reversal)/charge for the year                                        (5)                      10

            Balance as at 31 December                                             63                       68
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