Page 126 - Annual Report 2019
P. 126

123  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                    QFC REGULATORY AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            9. Equity

            General reserve
            During the year, there were no transfers to general reserve from retained surplus
            (2018: USD 2 million). Any transfer of amounts to and from the general reserve
            requires the approval of the Board of Directors.

            Retained surplus
            In accordance with Article 14 of the Qatar Financial Centre Law No. 7 of 2005, the
            Board of Directors has the right to retain the excess appropriations from the
            government. This surplus can be used for any activities of the QFC Regulatory Authority.

            10. Employees’ End of Service Benefits
            Movements in the provision recognised in the                                  Employees’ end of service benefits classified as follows:
            statement of financial position are as follows:

                                                2019                 2018                                              2019            2018
                                               USD ‘000            USD ‘000                                          USD ‘000        USD ‘000
            Balance as at 1 January             2,639               1,262                 Current portion (Note 11)    145             154
            Provided during the year (Note i)   1,581               1,412                 Non-current portion          3,803           2,485
            Benefits paid during the year       (272)                (35)                                              3,948           2,639

            Balance as at 31 December           3,948               2,639

            Note (i)
            Provision for the year includes an amount of USD 13 thousand which
            was accrued in relation to employees seconded to the National Anti-Money
            Laundering and Terrorism Financing Committee (“NAMLC”) and the
            same is classified under amounts due from the Ministry of Finance.
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