Page 48 - Annual Report 2019
P. 48

45  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            8. Credit exposures by counterparty

                                                       Credit exposures net of CRM by asset class

         QAR Millions

                     “Opt-up” Business Customers  Banks  Corporate  MDBs  Mortgages  PSEs  Securities & Investment Firms  Sovereigns  SPVs  “Opt-up” Business Customers  Banks  Corporate  MDBs  Mortgages  PSEs  Securities & Investment Firms  Securitisation & Rescuritisations  Sovereigns  Specialised Lending  “Opt-up” Business Customers  Banks  Corporate  MDBs  Mortgages  PSEs  Securities & Investment Firms  Securitisation & Rescuritisations  Sovereigns  Specialised Lending

                                  2017                               2018                                2019                  ( December )
             On-balance sheet originated credit  Off-balance sheet exposures  Debt instruments  Gross originated credit post CRM

            Corporates and banks remained the largest segments of credit exposures, and reflected
            noticeable increases between 2018 and 2019. A noticeable drop was observed in off-balance
            sheet exposures to corporates, whereas exposures to debt instruments of banks increased
            in 2019. The quantum of gross credit exposure post the impact of reclassification due to
            credit risk mitigation (“CRM”) decreased for 2019 when compared to the prior year.
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