Page 51 - Annual Report 2019
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48  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            11. Geographic distribution of gross exposures

                      December 2019                                 December 2018

                                1.2%  0.9%                        1.5%       0.7%  0.4%
                       2.8%             0.6%  0%                     3%              0.4%  0%
                   5.3%                                        6.7%
                                        52.8%                                        71.5%


              Qatar     China (incl. Hong Kong)  Other  GCC excl. Qatar
              MENA excl. GCC   EU       USA       UK        India

            Gross exposures (including equity and debt instruments) are reflected. Exposure in Qatar continued to
            remain the largest segment of geographical exposure; however, it represented a lesser proportion of the
            overall distribution. Exposure to China and Kazakhstan (included in “Other”) increased as a proportion of
            the total geographical spread.  Exposure to GCC-excluding Qatar reflected a marginal decline, whereas
            exposure to MENA-excluding GCC represented a slightly higher segment of the overall mix. Exposures to
            USA, UK, and EU increased modestly for December 2019, however, the exposure volumes remained small.
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