Page 37 - Annual Report 2020
P. 37

/ 32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   Risk-rating methodology                                                                   Risk assessment visits                                                                     Macroprudential Analysis                                                                   Industry statistics and financial data

                   The Regulatory Authority’s IMAS Supervision adopted a                                     Nine risk assessment visits were conducted                                                 In 2020, under the Regulatory Authority’s risk-based                                       The Macroprudential Analysis department produced

                   new risk rating methodology in 2020. The methodology                                      during the year as part of an ongoing monitoring                                           supervision framework, the Macroprudential Analysis                                        internal quarterly fact sheets that provided a macro

                   enhanced the integration of quantitative measures                                         process of advisors, intermediaries and investment                                         department provided insights on macroeconomic                                              view of the Regulatory Authority’s authorised firms.
                   through direct linkage to regular prudential reports                                      managers in the QFC. RAVs focused on business                                              and financial stability to microprudential supervisory                                     The fact sheets are based on standardised aggregated

                   and integration with market metrics and analytics.                                        models, customer classification, and compliance                                            staff, senior management, and the Board of Directors.                                      sectors’ data and reveal trends and developments

                                                                                                             and conduct risk (including AML/CFT).  The results                                         Macroprudential surveillance operates alongside                                            through tables and graphs. The fact sheets included

                   Under the new methodology, the ratings for each                                           of the RAVs were satisfactory, with generally                                              microprudential (entity level) surveillance to assist                                      analyses and trends concerning the sectors’ size and
                   firm align IMAS to Banking and Insurance risk ratings                                     fewer adverse findings than in 2019.                                                       supervisors in their efforts to prevent or mitigate the                                    structure, business activity by license type, geography,

                   and are now used to assess when to review firms.                                                                                                                                     effects of risks identified. Macroprudential surveillance                                  and corporate structure. They also included analyses

                                                                                                                                                                                                        assisted the Regulatory Authority in identifying and                                       and trends of balance sheet and off-balance sheet
                                                                                                             Authorisation                                                                              assessing important changes in the financial sector                                        items, profitability and performance ratios, early

                   Collective investment schemes                                                                                                                                                        (i.e. banking, insurance, and investment management),                                      warning ratios, and key financial institution risk
                                                                                                             The Authorisation department is responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                        as well as macroeconomic factors affecting these                                           measures (credit, liquidity, operational and market).
                   Investment Management implemented a system to                                             for assessing and approving applications from
                                                                                                                                                                                                        markets; delivering value-added quantitative and
                   supervise investment products sold or managed by all                                      firms and individuals seeking authorisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                        qualitative information for forward-looking monitoring;
                   QFC firms. Investment funds registered in Europe are                                      from the Regulatory Authority to conduct                                                                                                                                              COVID-19 Weekly Updates
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and detecting macro-financial issues that may affect
                   the main products sold by QFC firms. Most allocated                                       regulated activities in or from the QFC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Regulatory Authority’s authorised firms.
                   products are invested primarily in equities, while                                                                                                                                                                                                                              In light of COVID-19, the department’s first quarterly
                   assets booked in fixed income funds increased.                                            The department also acts as the interface between                                                                                                                                     Macroprudential Review for 2020 summarised

                                                                                                             applicants and the Companies Registration                                                  Monitoring and reporting                                                                   the potential economic and financial effects of the

                                                                                                             Office of the QFC Authority regarding their                                                                                                                                           coronavirus on Qatar and reviewed the implications
                   Product returns framework                                                                 registration or incorporation in the QFC.                                                  The department produced quarterly macroprudential                                          of the virus on global economic activity and growth.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        updates, which included ongoing assessment
                   Following the enhancement of IOSCO recommendations
                                                                                                             During 2020, Authorisation met with a broad range                                          of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the                                              The report identified the virus’s impact on
                   for funds, Investment Management reviewed the
                                                                                                             of prospective applicants to discuss their proposals                                       global energy market and the Qatari economy. The                                           global energy markets to be the largest and
                   standards used to collect information and modified
                                                                                                             and subsequently review their submitted regulatory                                         assessment identified existing and emerging risks and                                      most detrimental transmission channel to affect
                   the format to be implemented for managed
                                                                                                             business plans. When a plan is deemed viable and                                           macroeconomic factors that could affect domestic                                           Qatar’s macroeconomic and financial stability.
                   funds. The modifications addressed IOSCO’s
                                                                                                             approved to proceed, Authorisation includes the                                            financial stability, including potential threats emanating
                   2020 recommendations for funds’ leverage. The
                                                                                                             proposed supervisor as an active participant in the                                        from Qatar’s position in the energy market.
                   implementation is undergoing technical modification
                                                                                                             assessment to ensure all issues are understood and
                   to share the same repository system and format used
                                                                                                             managed appropriately once the firm is authorised
                   for business returns. It includes investment-linked
                                                                                                             and subsequently transferred to supervision. Details
                   products allocated by insurance intermediaries.
                                                                                                             of authorised firms are set out in Annex 1.

                                                                                                             During the year, one bank, two insurers, two
                                                                                                             advisory firms and three investment management

                                                                                                             firms were authorised. The number of individuals

                                                                                                             approved by the Regulatory Authority to perform

                                                                                                             controlled functions at authorised firms at year-
                                                                                                             end was 378, a net increase of 34 over the year.

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