Page 7 - Annual Report 2021 EN
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        With strategic goal 1, to enhance financial sector                                         to finance as well as demand-side actions such as
                   A Shared Strategy for                                                                                                                                                                regulation and promote regulatory co-operation,                                            promoting financial literacy. It is the State’s intent

                                                                                                                                                                                                        the plan stipulates the need for Qatar’s financial                                         to ensure access to a full range of high-quality, cost-

                   Financial Sector Regulation                                                                                                                                                          regulations to be benchmarked to international                                             effective and appropriate financial services to unbanked

                                                                                                                                                                                                        regulatory standards as a means to promote financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or under-served populations and businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        stability and support long-term sustainable growth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Developing human capital, strategic goal 5, seeks

                                                                                                             Issued in 2017, the Second Strategic Plan for Financial                                    Strategic goal 2, to develop financial markets and                                         to nurture and develop Qatar’s growing young

                                                                                                             Sector Regulation 2017-2022 in Qatar provides the                                          foster financial innovation, has market infrastructure                                     population, a key resource for long-term sustainable
                                                                                                             financial community and policymakers with a clear                                          initiatives at its heart. The plan calls for the QCB, the                                  growth with a focus on the Qatar National Vision

                                                                                                             roadmap to navigate the opportunities and challenges                                       QFMA and the QFCRA to introduce an extended range                                          2030. The regulatory authorities are committed to

                                                                                                             that lie ahead in 2022. It continues and expands upon                                      of instruments to manage domestic liquidity and                                            the development of young Qataris in the banking

                                                                                                             the work that began in 2013 with the First Strategic                                       promote secondary market development. This goal                                            and financial sector and to equipping them with the

                                                                                                             Plan for Financial Sector Regulation 2013-2016.                                            leverages the benefits of FinTech and green financing                                      required skills through specialised programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to create an environment that facilitates innovation                                       and effective talent management. The dedicated

                                                                                                             Qatar’s three financial regulators, the Qatar Central Bank                                 in the financial sector while minimising risk.                                             professionals that emerge as a result of these actions

                                                                                                             (QCB), the Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA)                                                                                                                                   will form a strong pipeline of leadership that will
                                                                                                             and the QFCRA, share the plan’s mission: to deliver a                                      To maintain the integrity of Qatar’s financial system,                                     serve Qatar’s financial sector for decades to come.

                                                                                                             robust and efficient financial regulatory framework that                                   as well as confidence in its workings, the objective of

                                                                                                             supports economic prosperity, safeguards financial                                         strategic goal 3 is to ensure that the State’s financial                                   In addition to building deeper and more resilient

                                                                                                             stability and is aligned with international standards and                                  institutions and markets are resilient, self-reliant and                                   capital and financial markets, the accomplishment of

                                                                                                             best practice. As well as the mission, the shared vision,                                  provide a platform for future growth in a sustainable                                      these goals will assist in driving economic growth and
                                                                                                             values and strategic goals underpin a common approach                                      manner. Qatar is committed to combatting illicit financing                                 diversification while nurturing greater self-sufficiency

                                                                                                             to strengthening the financial sector and fostering strong                                 and ensuring that financial sector information and                                         of Qatar’s financial sector and the economy.

                                                                                                             and stable economic growth over the coming years.                                          infrastructure are safeguarded from cyber incidents. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                        goal also supports the National Anti-Money Laundering

                                                                                                             The strategic plan was developed within the context                                        and Terrorist Financing Committee’s AML/CFT strategy

                                                                                                             of the overall objectives of both the Second National                                      and implementation of the new Financial Sector

                                                                                                             Development Strategy 2018-2022 and the Qatar                                               Information Security Strategy to mitigate cybercrime.

                                                                                                             National Vision 2030. The plan’s five strategic goals
                                                                                                             are: to enhance financial sector regulation and promote                                    Strategic goal 4 promotes financial inclusion and

                                                                                                             regulatory co-operation; to develop financial markets                                      financial literacy as key policies to drive sustainable

                                                                                                             and foster financial innovation; to maintain integrity                                     growth, create employment opportunities, reduce
                                                                                                             of, and confidence in, the financial system; to promote                                    inequality and safeguard financial stability. This goal

                                                                                                             financial inclusion; and to develop human capital.                                         considers supply-side measures such as access
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