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                   Enabling Digital Transformation

                   with a Cloud-First Strategy

                   SharePoint Online


                   One of the recent updates to the QFCRA’s cloud transformation journey

                   is the migration of its intranet platform to SharePoint Online. The project
                   consisted of migration of content and re-implementation of e-forms and

                   systems. The cloud-based SharePoint Online platform went live in February

                   2022, providing greater accessibility and user collaboration features.

                   Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)


                   A cloud-based Enterprise Risk Management solution was developed to

                   automate the ERM framework and processes, introducing new dashboard
                   and reporting capabilities. The new solution will improve efficiency,

                   effectiveness, consistency, and transparency to the manual and time-

                   consuming ERM review processes.

                   Board meeting management


                   A new cloud-based platform was launched in 2022 as a solution to help

                   better manage QFCRA Board meetings. The platform provides executives
                   with tools needed to increase efficiency.

                   National Cyber Security Drill “STAR 2022”


                   As part of its ongoing efforts to manage cybersecurity and mitigate risks,
                   the QFCRA participated in the National Cyber Security Drill live event

                   and exercise “STAR 2022” conducted in March. The cyber drill aims at

                   providing a safe environment to verify, test and improve skills, processes
                   and technologies. The report issued following the drill indicated excellent

                   performance of the QFCRA’s IT team, which was rated above average on

                   the sectoral and national levels.
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