Page 36 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 36
International Cooperation
International and domestic The Alternative Investment 2023 requests
co-operation and engagement Fund Managers Directive
The QFCRA has the power to assist overseas regulatory
Since its establishment, the QFCRA has entered into The QFCRA maintains 24 Memoranda of authorities with their supervisory and enforcement
two multilateral agreements, 46 bilateral Memoranda Understanding (MoU) with securities regulators in activities. Additionally, as part of its supervisory and
of Understanding, and 24 Alternative Investment the European Union. The MoUs were coordinated enforcement activities, the QFCRA makes information
Fund Managers Memoranda of Understanding, by the European Securities and Markets Authority requests to overseas regulatory authorities.
with a broad range of international jurisdictions. (ESMA) and reflect its review of the QFC’s
legislative and supervisory framework and its Outgoing requests – 46
approval of the QFCRA as an MoU counterparty. Incoming requests – 4
The signatories of the MoUs with the QFCRA
include the following securities regulators:
Austria Liechtenstein
Bulgaria Lithuania
Croatia Luxembourg
Cyprus Malta
Denmark Netherlands
Estonia Norway
Finland Poland
France Portugal
Greece Romania
Iceland Slovak Republic
Ireland Sweden
Latvia United Kingdom