Page 40 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 40
CDRS Independent Adjudicators
Mr Salman Ahmed Al-Ansari Professor Robin Callender Smith
(until 6 October 2023)
In June 2022, the QFCRA appointed Mr Al-Ansari as a
CDRS Independent Adjudicator. Mr Al-Ansari is ranked The QFCRA appointed Professor Robin Callender
as a leading lawyer in corporate and commercial law by Smith to be a CDRS Independent Adjudicator in
Chambers and Partners. He advises clients on all facets September 2013. Professor Callender Smith is
of their operations in the Middle East, from corporate a Deputy Chairman for the Regulatory Decisions
formation, structuring, mergers and acquisitions, finance Committee of the Financial Conduct Authority. He is
and securities to intellectual property, real estate and also Chairman of the Independent Appeals Board of
construction and dispute resolution. Mr Al-Ansari’s in- the premium rate telephone regulator in the UK and
depth academic experience, along with his knowledge has recently been appointed as a non-executive lay
of local laws, allows him to efficiently advise clients member of the UK’s Chartered Insurance Institute.
on the legal complexities of the Middle East and North
Professor Callender Smith has worked as a barrister
Africa (MENA) region. Recently, Mr Al-Ansari advised
since 1977 after spending four years as a journalist.
on one of the largest mergers and disputes in the State
He is also an Information Rights Judge and an
of Qatar. Mr Al-Ansari led a team of lawyers to draft
Immigration Judge. Professor Callender Smith has
and negotiate the Law No. 10 of 2021 regarding the
spent over 30 years as a media lawyer for national
Measures for Hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.
newspapers and 10 years in the City of London dealing
He earned his LLB from Qatar University and his with significant financial takeovers and mergers
LLM from University of Pennsylvania Law School in as well as issues relating to compliance, corporate
the United States and his EMBA from HEC Paris. governance and professional standards in the financial
services sector. Professor Callender Smith is a former
Mr Al-Ansari has taught several law courses at Qatar
elected member of the UK Bar Council and Gray’s Inn
University including Principles of Commercial Law.
Barristers’ Committee. He is also a Vice President
of London Youth, London’s largest youth charity.