Page 44 - QFCRA Annual Report 2014
P. 44
porate Services
governance and change are linked in this one-stop portal, The enhanced procurement
management process. This from which employees can submit workflow eliminates manual
standardised environment replaced automated forms and manage processes and is driven by strategic
a variety of configurations across information, among many other partnerships with vendors. Benefits
Microsoft Office and other software, functions. The management are improved productivity and
language and keyboard, internet configuration of the ERM enables efficiency; cost savings from
browser, security and other managers to review and approve increased purchasing power and
settings. In addition to greatly transactions, and access key leveraging volume; sustained high
improved employee satisfaction performance indicators and other vendor performance levels and
and productivity, benefits include metrics through dashboards and more management control.
faster performance and more system generated reports. HR and
consistent behaviour of hardware Finance policies are embedded Human Resources as a
and software; faster deployment in the advanced workflow engine Strategic Partner
of new equipment; automated in the system which ensures
remote installation and patching of compliance with policies and The transformation of the HR
software; heightened security; and reduces manual intervention. function to the role of strategic
reduced time and cost. partner moved the department
Automated Budget and towards international best practice
Harnessing the Systems and Procurement Processes in 2014. The HR team is now poised
Power of IT, Finance and to anticipate and meet future talent
Human Resources The implementation of MS-AX will needs, armed with more efficient
result in significant improvements and integrated technology systems,
In early 2015, the Corporate Services to the Regulatory Authority budget best-in-class HR management
team launched the My Gateway process. The common technology software, and a new, user-friendly
Portal on the QFC Regulatory platform for HR, Finance and platform for performance and
Authority intranet. The portal employee self-service enables core learning management. To aide
provides access to a new Enterprise accounting, budget planning and in this transformation, non-core
Resource Management (ERM) tracking in a flexible integrated services including recruitment,
system (MS Dynamics AX 2012), solution and the availability of relocation, outplacement, and
providing a centralised self-service financial data with relevant background screening were
and management database. consolidated databases that outsourced, adding capacity to the
Numerous Finance, HR, accounting, provide measurement tools and team’s redefined role.
payroll, and self-service functions reporting.
governance and change are linked in this one-stop portal, The enhanced procurement
management process. This from which employees can submit workflow eliminates manual
standardised environment replaced automated forms and manage processes and is driven by strategic
a variety of configurations across information, among many other partnerships with vendors. Benefits
Microsoft Office and other software, functions. The management are improved productivity and
language and keyboard, internet configuration of the ERM enables efficiency; cost savings from
browser, security and other managers to review and approve increased purchasing power and
settings. In addition to greatly transactions, and access key leveraging volume; sustained high
improved employee satisfaction performance indicators and other vendor performance levels and
and productivity, benefits include metrics through dashboards and more management control.
faster performance and more system generated reports. HR and
consistent behaviour of hardware Finance policies are embedded Human Resources as a
and software; faster deployment in the advanced workflow engine Strategic Partner
of new equipment; automated in the system which ensures
remote installation and patching of compliance with policies and The transformation of the HR
software; heightened security; and reduces manual intervention. function to the role of strategic
reduced time and cost. partner moved the department
Automated Budget and towards international best practice
Harnessing the Systems and Procurement Processes in 2014. The HR team is now poised
Power of IT, Finance and to anticipate and meet future talent
Human Resources The implementation of MS-AX will needs, armed with more efficient
result in significant improvements and integrated technology systems,
In early 2015, the Corporate Services to the Regulatory Authority budget best-in-class HR management
team launched the My Gateway process. The common technology software, and a new, user-friendly
Portal on the QFC Regulatory platform for HR, Finance and platform for performance and
Authority intranet. The portal employee self-service enables core learning management. To aide
provides access to a new Enterprise accounting, budget planning and in this transformation, non-core
Resource Management (ERM) tracking in a flexible integrated services including recruitment,
system (MS Dynamics AX 2012), solution and the availability of relocation, outplacement, and
providing a centralised self-service financial data with relevant background screening were
and management database. consolidated databases that outsourced, adding capacity to the
Numerous Finance, HR, accounting, provide measurement tools and team’s redefined role.
payroll, and self-service functions reporting.