Page 115 - Annual Report 2017
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Cultivating Core Business Knowledge Chartered Institute of Personnel Information Technology Ta’arib
and Development
RAfresh & RAfuel, a new, ongoing series of one-hour information The goal of the Ta’rib programme, introduced by the Regulatory
sessions designed to educate and update Regulatory Authority Infrastructure and information security Authority in 2016, mirrors national efforts to preserve the Arabic
employees on regulatory issues, launched in 2017. Organisational In January 2017, the Regulatory Authority and the Chartered language and promote bilingual business communications. For the
Development hosted nine sessions, with topics ranging from “An Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) entered into an second year of Ta’rib, the Translation department launched the
Introduction to the Legal Principles of Insurance” to FinTech (finan- agreement to promote human resource development and to As technology evolves, provisioning effective security technologies bilingual internal announcements process and produced internal
cial technology) to the new long-form audit report on annual create access to the highest levels of accreditation for Human and strategies is an ongoing process and indispensable asset. In
financial statements. Resources professionals. The Regulatory Authority is the first organ- 2017, the Regulatory Authority implemented powerful new security documents in Arabic such as the Human Resources Staff Handbook,
isation in Qatar to formally partner with them. technologies to strengthen security controls and provide advanced employment agreements and a new product, Lughatna 2017 (Our
protection against increasingly sophisticated threats. language), an English/Arabic lexicon of business vocabulary used
The partnership is exposing the Human Resources team to the latest frequently in the Regulatory Authority’s technical documents and
thought leadership in their field to support their ongoing professional Following a website security assessment conducted by Microsoft, publications. Lughatna is an intellectual property of the Regulatory
development. This coaching is establishing a foundation of best the Information Technology department adopted the recom- Authority and is a reference for both the Regulatory Authority’s
practices in the department, with the expectation that staff mem- mended security measures to protect the Regulatory Authority employees and various stakeholders, aiming for a better under-
bers will pursue individual CIPD certifications to achieve Associate, website from potential attacks. standing of our business language.
Chartered Member, or Chartered Fellow levels, all internationally
recognised certifications in the Human Resources sector. Additional security and efficiencies came with the adoption of Move to Msheireb DownTown
the government e-correspondence system (Morasalat), a secure
system that sends and receives correspondence with other gov-
ernment entities through a government network. In October 2016, the Qatar Financial Centre announced plans to
relocate the QFC offices to Msheireb DownTown Doha. The Regula-
tory Authority, the Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution
Enhancements to core business systems Centre, and the Qatar Finance and Business Academy will be in
proximity with some shared facilities. A member of the Regulatory
The Regulatory Authority’s two core business systems, Financial Insti- Authority’s Operations team heads a joint Operations team that
tutions Regulatory Information Management System (FIRMS) and is responsible for overall programme management, including the
the Electronic Submission System, were enhanced to accommo- initiation and management of related teams, consultants and fit-
Professor Michael Adams, School Of Law, Western Sydney Univer- date business needs and new system capabilities. New capabilities out manager. The move is anticipated to be made in the first half
sity, Australia, discussed global trends in corporate governance now permit electronic submission for Designated Non-Financial of 2019.
at a Regulatory Authority RAfresh & RAfuel session in October, 2017 Businesses and Professions, grant additional privileges in FIRMS to
eligible firms under supervision, and streamline the return submission Centralisation, Automation and Analysis
and review processes in FIRMS.
Partnerships By mid-2017, all Corporate Services departments had moved to a
centralised, automated online help desk system, which logs inci-
The Corporate Services team developed key new partnerships dents, inquiries and requests, as well as the date and time of their
with organisations that included ministries, professional institutes, The Human Resources team with CIPD Managing Director Matthew fulfilment. Service requests made by Regulatory Authority employ-
secondary schools and universities, and financial institutions. Mee and Amy Baxendale, Senior Employer Solutions Manager ees of Corporate Services departments are recorded with the data
extracted to form the basis of management dashBoards used to
analyse trends and performance.