Page 68 - Annual Report 2019
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65  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                        POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT

            Policy and Legislative Counsel
            Regulatory policy initiatives                 New customer and investor protection rules     Prudential banking framework

            A key focus of work for the Policy and Legislative Counsel   The new Customer and Investor Protection Rules 2018   The Regulatory Authority has in recent years focused much
            departments of the Regulatory Authority in 2019 was to   (CIPR) establish a set of governing principles dealing with   of its policy programme on the implementation of the
            finalise two sets of rules to strengthen its framework for   treating customers fairly. Fair treatment for customers is   Basel III framework as set out in the standards published
            protecting customers and investors of QFC authorised firms.  a central theme in the CIPR and this is underpinned by   by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
                                                          a principles-based framework, supported by rules which   and the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB). The Basel
            The departments also finalised rules for a prudential   require firms to put in place policies and procedures that   framework includes a range of prudential banking reforms,
            leverage ratio requirement for QFC banks, updated Anti-  ensure that they deliver fair outcomes for their customers.  which aim to strengthen bank capital requirements by
            Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of                                             increasing bank liquidity and decreasing bank leverage.
            Terrorism Rules following the enactment of a new State of   Under the CIPR, the same level of protection is offered
            Qatar Law, Law No. 20 of 2019 on Anti-Money Laundering   to customers regardless of the type of QFC authorised   Leverage ratio framework
            and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism, and a package   firm they choose to deal with. The rules cover all aspects
            of miscellaneous amendments to various rulebooks.    of a firm’s interaction with customers. At the outset of   Following an extensive review and consultation, the
                                                          a relationship with a customer, the firm must find out   Regulatory Authority introduced the leverage ratio
            Other policy areas of focus concerned public consultation   as much about that customer as it needs to know in   rules in June 2019. The leverage ratio is designed to
            proposals on draft rules for a revised corporate governance    order to provide the most suitable product or service.   be a simple and transparent mechanism to act as
            framework for all QFC authorised firms and proposals                                         a supplementary prudential measure to the risk-
            for an updated prudential operational risk framework for    Updated customer dispute         based capital requirements under the Basel Accords
            QFC banks.                                    resolution scheme rules                        framework. The new rules were introduced in the
                                                                                                         updated Banking Business Prudential Rules 2014 and
            Customer and investor protection              An internal complaints-handling framework has always   the Islamic Banking Business Prudential Rules 2015.
                                                          been a requirement for authorised firms in the QFC.
            Customer and investor protection has been a pillar of   Where customer complaints are not satisfactorily resolved
            the QFC Regulatory Authority’s regulatory framework   by a firm’s internal framework, customers can seek
            since the establishment of the QFC in 2005.   redress through an external independent adjudication
                                                          process which has been in operation since 2014.
            To ensure the QFC regulatory framework keeps pace
            with best international practices and standards,   In support of the Regulatory Authority’s aim to update
            the Regulatory Authority introduced new rules to   the customer and investor protection framework, a new
            update and strengthen its framework for protecting   and separate rulebook was introduced, the Customer
            customers and investors of QFC authorised firms and   Dispute Resolution Scheme Rules 2018 (CDRS).
            updated customer dispute resolution scheme rules.
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