Page 72 - Annual Report 2019
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69  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                        POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT

            Partnering with peer regulators                      Partnering on FinTech initiatives
            and other agencies in Qatar                          FinTech (financial technology) is creating opportunity   These collaborative initiatives are providing
            The Regulatory Authority has continued to work closely with the   worldwide to improve financial sector systems and   significant assistance to the Regulatory
            Qatar Central Bank (QCB) and the Qatar Financial Markets    services such as payment, remittance, digital payment,   Authority in its knowledge of FinTech.
            Authority (QFMA) under the auspices of the Financial Stability and   money management, lending, and other services.
            Risk Control Committee chaired by His Excellency, Sheikh Abdulla                                   In 2019, the Regulatory Authority continued
            bin Saoud Al-Thani, Governor of the QCB and Chairman of the    In 2019, the State of Qatar continued its work through   its participation in IOSCO’s FinTech Network
            Regulatory Authority.                                the Qatar National FinTech Task Force. Led by the Qatar   work streams. The network brings together
                                                                 Central Bank (QCB) and Qatar Development Bank,   IOSCO members in the various areas of FinTech
            The Legislative Counsel department provides legislative drafting   the task force brings together Qatar’s three financial   to encourage cross-border co-operation. The
            services to the QFC Authority’s Legal Services team under a service   regulators and potential FinTech stakeholders and market   Regulatory Authority continues to participate in
            level agreement. In 2019, Legislative Counsel assisted in the drafting   participants. The QCB announced plans to develop   IOSCO’s “RegTech and SupTech” work stream.
            of the QFC’s Trust Regulations, Employment Regulations, Privacy   and launch a sandbox banking service platform to
            Regulations and Rules, and Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Laws,   support and promote FinTech. This initiative is part of the
            among other legislation. In addition, the department provided   State’s objective to transform Qatar into a knowledge-
            assistance in the English drafting of proposed amendments to the   based society and enable the country to emerge as a
            QFC Law and their consequential amendments to the Financial   regional hub for innovative technology and services.
            Services Regulations. The department was actively involved in
            assisting with the drafting of rules on anti-money laundering and   Qatar University has several FinTech-related research
            combatting the financing of terrorism for the QCB, the QFMA, the   projects in development. In 2017, the Regulatory
            Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.    Authority was invited to support two projects: “Building a
                                                                 Resilient, Inclusive and Competitive Legal and Regulatory
            The Regulatory Authority continues to participate in consultations   Framework for 21st Century Finance in Qatar” and “A
            with the QFC Authority and the QFMA on new and amended   Secure End-to-End Blockchain-Enabled Solution to
            regulations and rules to provide feedback, ensuring that the QFC    Finance Trade: The Legal, Technological, and Economical
            and the QFMA regulatory and legal framework remain relevant    Framework”. Both projects received funding award grants
            and benchmarked to international best practice.      from the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) and
                                                                 were made within the 11th cycle of the QNRF’s flagship
                                                                 grant scheme, the National Priorities Research Program.
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