Page 74 - Annual Report 2019
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71  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                        POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT

                                                                                                            Meetings and Conferences

                                                        Global Money Week                                   IOSCO Africa and Middle East
                                                                                                            Regional Committee (AMERC)
                                                        Global Money Week is organised every March in over 150
                                                        countries worldwide, including Qatar for the past three years.
                                                        Its aim is to educate children and youth about the value   Kuwait, January 2019
                                                        of money, spending it wisely and saving it for the future.  Hosted by the Kuwaiti Capital Markets Authority
                                                                                                            Focus: Challenges and opportunities for building
                                                        Money Week was launched in 2010 by Her Majesty Queen   sustainable capital markets, emerging risk
                                                        Máxima of the Netherlands. The initiative has since grown   and opportunities in the AMERC region
                                                        into a global annual event supporting the financial literacy
                                                        of millions of young people. During this week, awareness-  IOSCO Annual Conference
                                                        raising activities for children take place, including guest
                                                        speakers in schools, visits to banks, money museums and   Sydney, May 2019
                                                        stock markets, educational games and various competitions.  Hosted by the Australian Securities
                                                                                                            and Investments Commission
                                                        In 2019, between 24-28 March, five Regulatory Authority   Focus: Priority issues facing securities
                                                        employees discussed the value of money with children at   market regulators and supervisors
                                                        three primary schools. This was organised as part of the
                                                        Regulatory Authority’s efforts to promote investor education    IOSCO Growth and Emerging
                                                        and consumer protection, under the Second Strategic Plan    Markets Committee (GEMC)
                                                        and the Regulatory Authority’s wider Corporate Social
                                                        Responsibility initiatives.                         St. Petersburg, October 2019
                                                                                                            Hosted by the Bank of Russia
                                                        “As part of our CSR programme, Mubadarah, we are    Focus: FinTech, sustainable finance in emerging
                                                        committed to raising the financial literacy of young people in   markets as well as market developments and
                                                        Qatar and making them aware of the many career choices in   regulatory updates from GEMC members
                                                        the finance sector. With its focus on teaching children about
                                                        the importance of saving and investing, Money Week Qatar
                                                        was a great fit for us, and our employees who volunteered
                                                        in the classroom thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”

                                                        – Michael G. Ryan, Chief Executive Officer
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