Page 73 - Annual Report 2019
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70  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                        POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT

            Promoting Financial Literacy
            World Investor Week

            The Regulatory Authority participated in World Investor Week    “We are proud to be participating in World Investor
            (WIW) for the second time in 2019, which took place in Doha    Week for the second time. Promotion of investor
            from Sunday, 29 September through Thursday, 3 October    protection through education is a key objective of the
            2019. The Regulatory Authority’s participation in WIW falls   QFC Regulatory Authority. With the current speed
            under the Second Strategic Plan’s (2017-2022) fourth goal   of financial innovation, educating the youth about
            of promoting financial inclusion and financial literacy.    investor protection is essential for ensuring that future
                                                           generations are equipped with the knowledge that
            WIW is a week-long global campaign promoted by the    they need to make informed financial decisions.”
            International Organization of Securities Commissions
            (IOSCO) and supported by regulatory authorities in over sixty    – Michael G. Ryan, Chief Executive Officer
            countries and leading organisations such as the G20 and the
            World Bank.

            The objective of WIW is to highlight the importance of
            investor education and protection, and to foster learning
            opportunities for investors, given today’s rapidly changing
            environment of online and technological innovations.
            To support the WIW campaign, the Regulatory Authority
            visited Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q) to promote
            investor education and protection. At NU-Q, Regulatory
            Authority staff introduced students to concepts of the
            “smart investor” and the application of these concepts to
            financial innovation.
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