Page 79 - Annual Report 2019
P. 79

76  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                        POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT

            CDRS independent adjudicators
            Professor Robin Callender Smith               Dr Mohammed Abdel-Aziz Al-Kulaifi

            The Regulatory Authority appointed Professor Robin   The Regulatory Authority appointed Dr Mohammed Abdel-
            Callender Smith to this position in September 2013.   Aziz Al-Kulaifi to this position in December 2017. Since
            An international arbitrator, mediator and adjudicator   2011, Dr Al-Kulaifi has been the Dean of the College of Law,
            specialising in the energy, financial, insurance and   Qatar University, and Associate Professor of Commercial
            Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT)   Law. He has published a number of reviewed scientific
            sectors, Professor Callender Smith is a member of   articles in the field of commercial law on topics such as
            the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and served as   bankruptcy and the acquisition of commercial companies.
            a Deputy Chairman for the Regulatory Decisions
            Committee of the UK financial regulator, the Financial   A visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar,
            Conduct Authority (formerly the Financial Services   Dr Al-Kulaifi has participated in several academic and
            Authority). He is a former elected member of the UK   specialised committees including the Permanent
            Bar Council and Gray’s Inn Barristers’ Committee.    Committee for Sharīʿah Affairs affiliated with the Cabinet
                                                          of Qatar, the chief executive body of the State of Qatar’s
                                                          Ministers Cabinet.
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