Page 84 - Annual Report 2019
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81  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                            CORPORATE SERVICES

            Career fairs                                                                                  Employee Engagement
            To interest university students in careers in financial   The Strategy and Organisational Development
            regulation and recruit potential job candidates, the   department updated the technical competencies   A great place to work
            Regulatory Authority participated in five career fairs in   that map the Regulatory Authority’s various career   On 1 May 2019 at a gala awards ceremony, the Regulatory
            2019. Staff from the core business departments and   paths. The Regulatory Authority evaluates its   Authority was certified by Great Place to Work® as one of the
            Human Resources staffed booths at Hamad Bin Khalifa   compensation and benefits structure regularly,   best workplaces in Qatar. The Regulatory Authority is the first
            University and Qatar University fairs in February. In   benchmarking to best international practices. The   public sector organisation in Qatar to receive the certification.
            September, the Regulatory Authority participated for   latest review led to the expansion of the organisation’s
            the first time in a Qatar Community College career fair,   job grade structure, allowing for more detailed   In 2019, the Regulatory Authority was the
            followed by two more fairs in November at Hamad Bin   career paths and more frequent opportunities
            Khalifa University and the Qatar Banking Studies and   for employee promotion, recognition and reward.   first public sector organisation in Qatar to
            Business Administration Independent Secondary Schools.  The department also updated the organisational   receive the Great Place to Work  certification.
                                                           values framework to encourage a culture of shared
            Building a wealth of knowledge internally      values and the behaviour that exemplifies them.         In accordance with the Regulatory Authority’s efforts to become
                                                                                                          an employer of choice in Qatar, in 2018 Corporate Services
            In line with the Al Masar goal to create a wealth                                             worked with Great Place to Work, a global employee engagement
            of knowledge within the organisation, in 2017 the                                             and research firm specialising in building organisational
            Regulatory Authority launched a series of in-house                                            trust, to conduct a comprehensive employee engagement
            information sessions, RAfresh & RAfuel, to educate                                            survey. The survey assessed employees’ opinions, attitudes and
            employees on topics related to the core business.                                             perceptions of the Regulatory Authority. The survey results
            The programme has grown exponentially: in 2019,                                               revealed that 70% of the Regulatory Authority’s employees
            16 sessions, covering topics ranging from money-                                              believe that the Regulatory Authority is a great place to work.
            laundering to insurance risk management, were held.
                                                                                                          To enhance the Regulatory Authority’s corporate culture,
            Best practices                                                                                an action plan based on survey results was implemented
                                                                                                          throughout the year. Improvements were made to the
            In 2019, the Human Resources department conducted                                             organisation’s performance management system and
            a policy review of all HR-related policies and procedures                                     employees were given a voice at four divisional off-site
            to align them with international and industry best                                            meetings. In November, all Regulatory Authority employees
            practices and with the local market. The review also took                                     gathered for a day-long event and update on company
            into account employee recommendations from a 2018                                             goals, objectives and values, and a service awards ceremony
            internal survey. The Regulatory Authority adopted                                             recognising those with ten or more years of tenure.
            three new policies – on paternity leave, the transfer of
            sponsorship, and Mahram leave.
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