Page 89 - Annual Report 2019
P. 89

86  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                            CORPORATE SERVICES

            2019 Events
            Ooredoo Doha Marathon                         Ramadan Pack and Chat III                      BookChat: Maktabatna

            Four Regulatory Authority employees participated   On 1 May 2019, Regulatory Authority employees gathered   On 30 September 2019, BookChat brought employees
            in the Ooredoo Doha Marathon 2019 on 11 January   to pack bags for the 2019 Ramadan charity event, Pack   together to enjoy books, brunch and conversation.
            2019. They were among some 4,000 runners at   and Chat III. The event was conceived three years ago   The event also marked the launch of Maktabatna (Our
            the starting line. Registration funds for the runners   to help 100 migrant workers in Qatar during the hot   Library). Employees are encouraged to donate and
            went to charitable organisations via Ooredoo.     summer months. The 2019 theme was “Beat the Heat”,   borrow books, with the recycling of printed materials
                                                          with bags packed with reusable water bottles, canvas   a key tenet of the Regulatory Authority’s sustainability
            A Community Garangao at                       bags, sunglasses, hats, rechargeable handheld fans, and   efforts. Maktabatna also encourages employees
            Msheireb, co-hosted with QFC                  Hala and Vodafone calling cards. Bags were distributed   to register for a Qatar National Library card.
                                                          to construction workers around Qatar before Ramadan.
            On 20 May 2019, a massive Garangao celebration                                               Qatar Sustainability Week
            took place in Doha’s largest square at Msheireb   Ramadan mosque visit
            Downtown Doha. The fun-filled event was designed                                             The Regulatory Authority is a supporter of Qatar
            for children and the elderly, with special invitations   In the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan, the   Sustainability Week, which was designed to engage
            issued to Dreama Orphan Care Centre, Shafallah   Regulatory Authority organised a visit for employees   the community in a wide range of activities and to raise
            Center for Children with Special Needs, the Center   to the Masjid Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Al Wahhab,   awareness of Qatar’s sustainable development goals.
            for Empowerment and Elderly Care-Ehsan, and Best   Qatar’s national mosque. On 29 April, the week prior to   The Regulatory Authority is dedicated to reducing its
            Buddies Qatar. The hosts of this festive event were   Ramadan, Regulatory Authority employees, escorted   paper footprint, and is making significant progress.
            QFC entities, including the Regulatory Authority as   by a tour guide from Al Fanar Islamic Cultural Center,
            well as Msheireb Properties and ExxonMobil.   explored the grounds and the interiors of the mosque,
                                                          and learned about the significance to Muslims of Friday
            Screen for Life                               Khutbah (the pre-prayer sermon), prayer and ablution.

            Guest speakers from the Primary Health Care
            Corporation (PHCC), a provider of primary healthcare
            services in the State of Qatar, came to the Regulatory
            Authority on 7 March 2019 to discuss “Screen for Life,”
            their programme that encourages annual screening
            for bowel cancer for men and women ages 50-74.
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