Page 90 - Annual Report 2019
P. 90

87  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                            CORPORATE SERVICES

            2019 Events
            Breast Cancer Awareness Month                  World Mental Health Day                        Financial literacy in secondary schools

            Every October, the world goes pink to celebrate Breast   In observance of World Mental Health Day, a World   In October and November 2019, Regulatory Authority
            Cancer Awareness Month. This year, the Regulatory  Health Organization (WHO) initiative, psychologists   employees visited the Qatar Banking Studies and Business
            Authority paired with PHCC’s Breast & Bowel Screening    from Yogasha Counseling and Yoga Qatar came   Administration Independent Secondary Schools and
            programme to raise awareness among employees and    to the Regulatory Authority on 16 October 2019 to   Qatar Academy Msheireb to educate students about
            visitors. Throughout the month, PHCC brochures on    raise awareness of good mental health practices.  sustainable finance and to raise awareness of the important
            breast cancer signs and screening and pink ribbon pins                                        role of finance and regulation in Qatar’s economy.
            and bracelets were available in the Regulatory Authority
            reception area.
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