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88  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                            CORPORATE SERVICES

            2019 Conferences and Causes
            Qatar University Corporate Social              World Investor Week (WIW)                     Global Money Week
            Responsibility Exhibition                      As part of World Investor Week 2019, Regulatory   Global Money Week is organised every March in over
            On 26 March 2019, Mubadarah was featured in the 7th   Authority regulators participated in this IOSCO   150 countries worldwide. The initiative is a global annual
            edition of Qatar University’s Corporate Social Responsibility   global campaign, which aims to educate   event supporting the financial literacy of millions of
            Report. Regulatory Authority employees from the core   students about wise investment practices.    young people. In 2019, employees discussed the value
            business and Corporate Services represented Mubadarah                                        of money with children at three primary schools, as
            at the exhibition. At the closing ceremony, Mubadarah                                        part of Regulatory Authority efforts to promote investor
            was honoured with the Responsible Leadership Award.                                          education and consumer protection under the Second
                                                                                                         Strategic Plan for Financial Sector Regulation 2017-2022.

            On 28 March 2019, Dr Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, President,
            Qatar University, left, presented Fatin Ali Al Hitmi of the QFC
            Regulatory Authority with a CSR Leadership Award, honouring
            the Regulatory Authority’s numerous CSR initiatives
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