Page 18 - Annual Report 2020
P. 18

/ 13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   Audit and Risk Committee

                   Dr Jeffrey Carmichael serves as Chairman of the Audit                                     The ARC approved the yearly internal audit programme

                   and Risk Committee (ARC) and Daniel Glaser as a                                           and followed its implementation through regular
                   member of the ARC.                                                                        communication with the Head of Internal Audit. In

                                                                                                             2020, the ARC met with the external auditors of the

                   The principal focus of the ARC is to monitor and oversee:                                 Regulatory Authority on two occasions and oversaw

                                                                                                             the completion of the external audit concerning
                   •  the effectiveness of the Regulatory Authority’s policies,
                                                                                                             the Regulatory Authority’s financial statements.
                      procedures and internal controls including those for

                      financial reporting;
                                                                                                             All matters of significant discussion were reported
                   •  compliance with legal and other requirements;
                                                                                                             to the Board, which also received the minutes of all
                   •  the performance of the internal audit function and
                                                                                                             ARC meetings.
                      the external audit firm appointed by the Regulatory

                                                                                                             It is the ARC’s view that the Regulatory Authority
                   •  the effectiveness of the internal controls framework; and
                                                                                                             continues to apply appropriate policies and controls
                   •  business continuity and disaster recovery plans.
                                                                                                             to its various business areas and operations. The

                   The ARC met three times in 2020, supplemented by                                          internal audit function and internal controls framework

                   exchanges of information between meetings. The Head                                       are working as intended and provide assurance that

                   of Internal Audit, the Managing Director, Corporate                                       improvement opportunities are identified and addressed.

                   Services, the Head and Deputy Head of Information

                   Technology, and other executives attended ARC
                   meetings by invitation. The ARC reviewed updates on

                   the status of the Regulatory Authority’s risk register

                   that forms part of the Enterprise Risk Management
                   framework. The ARC was also kept informed of

                   developments in relation to the Regulatory Authority’s

                   business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

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