Page 20 - Annual Report 2020
P. 20

/ 15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   Board of Directors

                   His Excellency Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saoud Al-Thani

                   Governor of the Qatar Central Bank

                   Chairman of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority

                   His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin

                   Hamad Bin Qassim Al-Abdullah Al-Thani

                   Deputy Governor of the Qatar Central Bank

                   Deputy Chairman of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority

                   Michael G. Ryan

                   Board member

                   Nasser Ahmad Al-Shaibi

                   Board member

                   Dr Jeffrey Carmichael

                   Board member

                   Jean-François Lepetit

                   Board member

                   Daniel L. Glaser

                   Board member

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