Page 23 - Annual Report 2020
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Michael G. Ryan
Board member
Mr Ryan is the Chief Executive Officer of the Regulatory
Authority. Mr Ryan joined the Regulatory Authority in
2009 from Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he
served in a number of senior management positions in
London and Dublin, including as Chief Executive Officer
of Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited and Country
Executive for Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Ireland.
Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Mr Ryan was Vice President
at Credit Suisse Financial Products and an associate with
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft specialising in banking,
securities and corporate law. Mr Ryan is a member of
Qatar’s Financial Stability and Risk Control Committee,
a member of the Qatar National Anti-Money Laundering
and Terrorism Financing Committee and a member of the
Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority.