Page 37 - Annual Report 2021 EN
P. 37

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                   2021 Achievements                                                                                   Regulators’ Co-ordination Groups

                   Notwithstanding these results, the team also accomplished                                           The QFCRA AML/CFT team works with several regulators to

                   several key strategic objectives during 2021:                                                       co-ordinate AML/CFT supervision across the State of Qatar.

                                                                                                                       Activity in 2021 included:
                   •  Developed and implemented its 2021-2024 AML/CFT

                      Supervisory Strategy;                                                                            •   The co-ordination committee established in 2018 by the

                   •  Progressed its NAMLC action plan, which incorporated 45                                              QCB, the QFMA, and QFCRA (the AML Working Group)
                      action items to address, of which 22 action items required                                           continued to ensure the effective supervision and oversight

                      co-ordination with other authorities or Ministries. Forty action                                     of institutions common to the regulatory population;

                      items have now been completed, including 29 during 2021;                                         •   The AML Working Group maintained a list of

                   •  Issued new AML/CFT guidance concerning targeted                                                      overlapping FIs and agreed on a common supervisory

                      financial sanctions, trade-based money laundering,                                                   approach for those firms with joint regulatory
                      and completing the new Q26 NAMLC data collection                                                     responsibility due to overlapping supervision;

                      form. Guidance was also updated for the annual MLRO                                              •   QFCRA continued to contribute to the QFIU

                      reporting requirements, the conduct of an independent                                                Financial Sector Forum through a joint QFIU/
                      review of AML/CFT, and further defining reporting                                                    QFCRA Memorandum of Understanding, in addition

                      requirements for the Q25 annual AML/CFT return;                                                      to contributing to the QFIU’s strategy project;

                   •  The Sectoral Risk Assessment (SRA) was updated in                                                •   Work continued with Ministry of Commerce and Industry

                      2021 based on engagement with NAMLC on the National                                                  (MOCI) and the Ministry of Justice to ensure effective

                      Risk Assessment (NRA) and NAMLC’s assessment of                                                      supervision and oversight of the DNFBP sector. A joint
                      risks related to Virtual Asset Service Providers;                                                    supervisory strategy was agreed between all authorities,

                   •  Ongoing outreach was provided to firms, including a                                                  and a permanent working group was established;

                      dedicated AML/CFT (virtual) Town Hall meeting for all firms,                                     •   The first joint RAV between MOCI and the QFCRA
                      highlighting and explaining the outcome of the SRA, the                                              was undertaken of a DNFBP as part of the joint

                      results of 4 thematic reviews, recent amendments to the                                              supervisory strategy.

                      AML/CFT law, Qatar’s preparation for the pending FATF
                                                                                                                       Two team members worked with NAMLC’s Project
                      mutual evaluation, among other AML/CFT matters, and
                                                                                                                       Working Group on Qatar’s preparation for the pending
                   •  QFCRA had one staff member working on the FATF
                                                                                                                       FATF mutual evaluation.
                      Cross-Border Working Group, aiming to harmonise the

                      AML/CFT standards across jurisdictions and reduce the

                      friction in cross-border payments. FATF’s final report
                      recognised Qatar’s contribution to the project.
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