Page 34 - Annual Report 2021 EN
P. 34

/ 34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     T ABLE OF C ONTENT S

                   Investment funds registered in Europe are the
                                                                                                                                                                           Q1                                               Q2                                               Q3                                               Q4
                   main products sold by QFC firms. Most allocated
                                                                                                             Products statistic by
                   products are invested primarily in equities, while
                                                                                                             Asset Class Year 2021                              #                     Asset                      #                    Asset                       #                    Asset                       #                    Asset
                   assets booked in fixed income and real estate funds
                                                                                                                                                           products                 booked                  products                 booked                 products                  booked                 products                  booked
                   increased as investors sought improved liquidity.

                                                                                                             Commodity                                          5                    11,957                      2                    3,468                       2                    5,961                       2                    2,051

                                                                                                             Equity                                            63                    90,367                     49                  732,585                      51                   44,535                      60                  808,900

                                                                                                             Fixed Income                                      44                   276,542                     31                  186,477                      32                  357,021                      16                   61,031

                                                                                                             Fund of Funds                                     33                        -                       5                    6,644                       5                   91,580                       4                     349

                                                                                                             Hedge Fund                                                                                                                                           2                   19,345                       3                  101,260

                                                                                                             Money Market                                       1                        -                       1                        -                       1                        -                       1                        -

                                                                                                             Other                                              5                    1,456                       6                    4,241                       7                  122,262                       8                     412

                                                                                                             Private                                            8                    18,961                      4                   10,137                       5                      970                       6                     195

                                                                                                             Real Estate                                       15                   289,405                     16                  278,371                      18                  111,850                      18                  239,061

                                                                                                             Structured                                        70                    66,523                     44                   57,006                      78                  116,781                      55                   32,829

                                                                                                             Total                                            214                  755,212                     158                 1,278,930                    201                  870,305                     173                 1,246,087
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