Page 31 - Annual Report 2021 EN
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                   Regulatory developments and new rules                                                     Supervision Technology (SupTech)                                                           XBRL reporting adaptations

                                                                                                             and innovation
                   The QFCRA continued updating and strengthening its                                                                                                                                   The division continued to implement changes to the

                   banking supervisory regime to align with the updated                                      As part of the QFCRA’s goal to maintain our standing                                       XBRL suite of regulatory returns to align with changes

                   Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)                                             as a world-class regulator, the division crafted                                           arising from the adoption of IFRS 17 for Insurance
                   standardised approach for credit risk (SA-CR),                                            a vision of the Supervision Process of the future                                          contracts. Additionally, changes to the BANK/IBANK

                   standardised approach for equity investments in funds                                     and embarked on a journey to embrace the latest                                            Rules on operational risk, Standardised Approach for

                   (SA-EIF), the large exposures framework (LE framework),                                   SupTech trends. These SupTech initiatives are                                              Credit Risk and Counterparty Credit Risk will also

                   and standardised approach for counterparty credit risk                                    summarised below. Several supervisory tools were                                           necessitate an update of the XBRL-taxonomies and
                   (SA-CCR) standards.                                                                       added to the QFCRA’s advanced analytics platform                                           reporting forms.

                                                                                                             over the year. These include the following:
                   QFCRA undertook a substantial review of BANK

                   to determine the changes necessary to:                                                    •   Dashboards for risk-specific analysis and
                                                                                                                 predictive algorithms for automated risk ratings of
                   •  implement the SA-CR and the BCBS guidance                                                  supervised banks

                      concerning credit risk practices, credit                                               •   Twitter sentiment tool that allows supervisors to
                      risk management and problem assets and                                                     gauge events relating to their respective firms and

                      provisioning that is necessary to support                                                  assess the impact on their firm’s risk profile

                      the implementation of the SA-CR;                                                       •   An automated tool to cluster firms by their asset and

                   •  implement the SA-EIF;                                                                      liability distributions for data-driven peer analysis

                   •  amend the large exposures framework in BANK
                                                                                                             The in-house Financial Analysis and Innovation
                      to align with the latest BCBS LE framework;
                                                                                                             team enhanced its capabilities and engaged two
                   •  clarify rules related to the allocation of instruments to
                                                                                                             additional data scientists to expand QFCRA’s
                      the banking book and trading book in line with the BCBS
                                                                                                             capacity further to deliver digital transformation in
                      Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB); and
                                                                                                             supervisory processes, oversight, and analysis.
                      strengthen prudential rules on the LE framework.

                   These rules will go into effect on 1 January 2023.                                        QFCRA is a member of the Informal SupTech Network
                   The Supervision team will conduct quantitative                                            hosted by the Financial Stability Institute (FSI)

                   impact studies and parallel runs throughout                                               of the Basel Committee and participated in four

                   2022 to develop the new returns and guidance in                                           sessions with other regulators where different use
                   readiness for the rollout of the revised rules.                                           cases and experiences on adopting SupTech to

                                                                                                             supervise authorised firms were shared effectively.
                                                                                                             Some of the QFCRA initiatives were featured in

                                                                                                             FSI’s “SupTech data analytics tools for prudential

                                                                                                             supervision” report (December 2021).
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