Page 32 - Annual Report 2021 EN
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                   The Appendix table on the right provides 2021 statistics for                                                                                                                                     Banking &                           Investment                                         AML/CFT
                   engagements with firms (230 formal engagements overall)                                                      Statistics                                                    Total                 Insurance                  Management & Advisory                         Combined             Standalone

                   •  Supervision conducted 7 risk assessment visits                                                            RAVs                                                            21                         7                                    4                                   1                        9

                      (RAVs) at banks and insurers in 2021:

                                                                                                                                Senior management meetings                                     195                        87                                   45                                  11                       63
                      –  RAVs focussed on business models, credit risk/asset

                         quality, operational risk and business continuity,
                                                                                                                                QFCRA Presentations:                                            14                        14                                    0
                         governance, and compliance and conduct risk

                         (including AML/CFT); RAVs at investment banks
                                                                                                                                •  management                                                   11                        11                                    0
                         also covered equity investment/market risk
                                                                                                                                •  Board/ARC                                                     3                         3                                    0
                      –  Overall, the results of the RAVs conducted were
                         satisfactory and in line with 2020 findings
                                                                                                                                Auditors                                                        18                        17                                    1

                   •  Supervision conducted 4 RAVs at investment
                      management firms, advisors, and insurance                                                                 Supervisory Colleges                                             6                         2                                    4

                      intermediaries to be consistent with point 1 above

                    –  RAVs focussed on business models, customer classification,

                       governance, suitability of advice provided to customers,

                       and compliance and conduct risk (including AML/CFT)

                    –  The results of the RAVs were satisfactory, with similar

                       results to 2020
                    –  One RAV was conducted in conjunction with the

                       AML/CFT team, while nine standalone AML/CFT

                       RAVs were conducted

                 •  The AML/CFT team conducted 74 management

                    meetings with firms, 11 jointly with Supervision

                 •  During 2021, Supervision conducted 132 formal meetings

                    with senior management focussed on budget and strategy,

                    governance, the impact of COVID-19, AML/CFT and internal
                    and external audit reports (among other matters)

                    –  Onsite file reviews were performed in conjunction with

                       45 of these meetings
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37