Page 36 - Annual Report 2021 EN
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                   AML/CFT reviews of QFC firms                                                              AML/CFT reviews in 2021

                   For the year 2021 (as detailed in the table on the right),                                AML/CFT reviews of QFC firms - 1 January to 31 December 2021

                   QFCRA’s AML/CFT team undertook several AML/CFT

                   supervisory activities, incorporating:                                                    Type of Examination                                        Full Onsite Reviews                  Consultation Reviews                    Onsite Thematic Reviews                        Desk-based Reviews                          Total

                   •  Full and targeted onsite risk assessments;                                             Banks                                                                   3                                     23                                          5                                         61                               92

                   •  4 dedicated thematic review projects:                                                  Insurers and Intermediaries                                             0                                     36                                          0                                         68                              104

                      –  Cross-border remittances, which evaluated
                                                                                                             Investment Managers                                                     0                                      7                                          1                                         54                               62
                         cross-border payment mechanisms and firms’
                         risk mitigation and application of product and
                                                                                                             Advisory Firms                                                          1                                      8                                          0                                         41                               50
                         jurisdictional risk analysis;

                      –  Q25 Annual AML/CFT Return to assess the quality
                                                                                                             Representative Offices                                                  0                                      0                                          0                                          4                               4
                         of the returns and to update AML/CFT risk ratings;

                      –  Annual MLRO Report to assess compliance,
                                                                                                             DNFBPs                                                                  3                                     40                                          6                                         82                              131
                         reporting, the identification of issues by the

                         Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO),
                                                                                                             Total                                                                   7                                    114                                         12                                        310                              443
                         and the resulting action plans; and
                      –  Independent Review Report, which evaluated the

                         effectiveness of the independent AML/CFT reviews,

                         and are a biennial requirement under the AML/CFT
                         rules for all firms.

                   •  Consultation reviews were also undertaken regarding

                      follow-up actions and any outstanding reporting
                      obligations with firms.
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