Page 77 - Annual Report 2021 EN
P. 77

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                   2021 Events

                   Breast Cancer Awareness Month

                   October is marked as Breast Cancer Awareness

                   Month across the globe. In 2021, the QFCRA teamed

                   up with Qatar Cancer Society (QCS) to promote their
                   campaign ‘Blossom’ on their internal and external

                   communication channels. The campaign highlighted

                   self-examination as the foremost preventative

                   measure in the fight against breast cancer.

                   Certified First Aiders and Fire Wardens

                   The QFCRA is committed to providing its employees with

                   the right to a safe and healthy working environment. In

                   line with Qatar’s National Health Strategy (2018-2022),

                   the QFCRA hosted a Fire Warden and First Aid training
                   sessions to recognise and combat hazards at work.

                   Family Day

                   To commemorate the annual event Family Day, QFC
                   Tower 1 was lit green, and the QFCRA’s social media

                   channels shared infographics about the importance

                   of family and their vital role within society.
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