Page 76 - Annual Report 2021 EN
P. 76
Mubadarah 2021 (Our Initiative) Partnerships
To deliver a world-class financial The QFCRA shared its public legal publications with
services regulatory environment, which Qatar University, featuring them alongside other
contributes to Qatar’s economic, financial institutions in their on-campus libraries
environmental and social well-being and its people.” and industry-specific directory in March 2021.
– QFCRA CSR mission statement.
Later in the year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
In the past year, the QFCRA has continued to be an active (MOCI) granted the QFCRA Intellectual Property rights
member of the community, strengthening its relationship to Lughatna, a bilingual lexicon of business vocabulary
with its partners, and promoting sustainability through used as a reference to help maintain a consistent
its programmes and outreach events. business language across the financial sector.
Mubadarah’s objectives are aligned with the Qatar
National Vision 2030 and the Second Strategic Plan
for Financial Sector Regulation 2017-2022 “building
human capital” pillar. The objectives build effective
social communication, are active partners in Qatari
society, and contribute to sustainable development.
The QFCRA continues to build recognition of Mubadarah
in the community through strategic relationships with
organisations both large and small; among them are
the Hamad Medical Corporation and Qatar’s universities
and colleges.