Page 34 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                   In 2022, the PLE Division focused on delivering the QFCRA’s policy work programme, strengthening

                   its relationships with peer regulators and international standard setting bodies, and raising public

                   awareness of the importance of investor education and protection. In addition, Data Protection was

                   a key focus for 2022 given the enactment of the new QFC Data Protection Regulations in June 2022.

                   Policy and Legislative Counsel

                   A key focus of work for the Policy and Legislative                                        Derivatives market                                                                         Prudential banking framework                                                               Professional Investor Funds
                   Counsel departments in 2022 was to develop a                                              regulatory framework

                   derivatives market regulatory rules framework and                                                                                                                                    The QFCRA continues its ongoing policy work on the                                         Following public consultation in 2021 on

                   to consult on strengthening the prudential banking                                        In November 2022, the QFCRA issued a Consultation                                          implementation of the Basel Accords framework                                              proposals to introduce an updated regulatory

                   business framework with the development of                                                Paper on the proposed Derivatives Markets and                                              as set out in the standards published by the Basel                                         framework for professional investor funds in
                   new rules on regulatory adjustments to capital to                                         Exchange Regulatory Rules Framework.                                                       Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and                                                the QFC, in April 2022, the QFCRA issued the

                   complement the credit risk and counterparty credit                                                                                                                                   the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).                                               Professional Investor Fund Rules 2022 (PROF).

                   risk framework proposals consulted on in 2021.                                            The QFCRA’s proposals include the development of
                                                                                                             a single market and exchange rulebook applicable to an                                     Following public consultations in June 2021 and                                            The PROF Rules take into account developments in

                                                                                                             authorised Derivatives Exchange (Authorised Exchange)                                      December 2021 to amend the Banking Business                                                international best practice and promote the creation

                                                                                                             for trading derivative transactions and an Authorised                                      Prudential Rules (BANK) in respect of credit                                               of a competitive framework for QFC funds marketed
                                                                                                             Central Counterparty (CCP) to clear and settle                                             risk, counterparty credit risk and exposures to                                            to professional and sophisticated investors.  The

                                                                                                             derivative transactions in the QFC. The rulebook also                                      central counterparties, in September 2022, the                                             PROF Rules broaden and redefine the class of

                                                                                                             provides for a recognition framework for international                                     QFCRA issued a related Consultation Paper on the                                           individuals who can invest in a Professional Investor
                                                                                                             exchanges, CCPs and their respective members.                                              proposed Banking Business Prudential (Regulatory                                           Fund.  In setting up a Professional Investor Fund,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Adjustments to Capital) Amendments Rules 2022.                                             investment managers can elect to establish either

                                                                                                             The draft Rules were benchmarked against best practice                                                                                                                                (i) a Standard Professional Investment Fund with no

                                                                                                             regulatory jurisdictions. In addition, the draft Rules were                                The proposals amend BANK to introduce a                                                    minimum investment requirement, but subject to

                                                                                                             prepared to align with key regulatory standards including                                  revised system of regulatory adjustments to                                                the full customer protection regime; or (ii) an Exempt
                                                                                                             the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures                                       banking business firms’ regulatory capital, in                                             Professional Investor Fund with minimum investment

                                                                                                             (CPMI) and the International Organization of Securities                                    line with the recommendations of the BCBS.                                                 limits and a more tailored regulatory framework.

                                                                                                             Commissions’ (IOSCO) Principles for Financial Market
                                                                                                             Infrastructures (PFMIs); the Qualifying CCP criteria                                       The QFCRA intends to combine the results of this latest

                                                                                                             in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s                                            consultation with the earlier BANK consultations as

                                                                                                             Capital requirements for banks exposures to central                                        well as the outputs from its various quantitative impact

                                                                                                             counterparties and the European Union (EU) framework                                       studies to assess the impact of the BANK proposals

                                                                                                             for non-EU CCPs regulations, as recognised through the                                     on conventional QFC banks. In that connection, the
                                                                                                             European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).                                          QFCRA anticipates approving the updated BANK

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rules in 2023 with commencement in 2024.

                                                                                                             The QFCRA anticipates bringing the framework into force
                                                                                                             in March 2023.
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