Page 35 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                   External Auditor                                                                          International Association of                                                               Partnering on FinTech initiatives

                   Notification Requirements                                                                 Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        As part of the ongoing work of the Joint Committee, the
                   Following public consultation in December 2021 on                                         The QFCRA is a member of the IAIS Operational                                              QFCRA commenced work with the QFCA to establish

                   proposals to amend the auditor provisions in the General                                  Resilience Task Force (ORTF). ORTF aims to identify                                        a legal and regulatory framework for digital assets,

                   Rule 2005 (GENE), the QFCRA issued the final Rules in                                     and assess factors and developments that may                                               with the initial work in this area being focused on

                   April 2022. The final GENE Rules apply to both auditors                                   affect operational resilience in the insurance sector                                      the development of a model in the QFC as a proof of
                   and the authorised firms and clarify the circumstances                                    regarding IT third-party outsourcing and insurance                                         concept to aid in the development of the preferred

                   where the notification requirement applies.                                               sector cyber resilience and take stock of and review                                       model in the State. The objective is to create certainty

                                                                                                             relevant best practices from both the (re)insurers and                                     and a strong foundation for digital assets/rights based

                                                                                                             supervisors’ perspectives. The QFCRA continued its                                         on a trusted support infrastructure to address new
                   Islamic Financial
                                                                                                             participation in ORTF during 2022 culminating in the                                       types of assets, modes and records of ownership,
                   Services Board (IFSB)
                                                                                                             publication of an ORTF Issues Paper on Insurance                                           methods of transferring ownership and process for

                                                                                                             Sector Operational Resilience in October 2022.                                             establishing contracts and other legal relationships.
                   Since 2021, the QFCRA has been a member of the

                   Working Group for the Revised IFSB Guiding Principles
                   on Corporate Governance for Institutions offering Islamic
                                                                                                             Partnering with peer regulators                                                            Sustainability and Green Finance
                   Financial Services (Banking Segment). The work of the
                                                                                                             and other agencies in Qatar
                   group is to provide an international benchmark standard,                                                                                                                             In 2022, the Policy, Legal and Enforcement team
                   and to promote a sound regulatory and supervisory                                         The QFCRA continues to collaborate with the Qatar                                          engaged with the Global Green Growth Institute

                   system delivering a fair, safe and stable banking sector                                  Central Bank (QCB) and the Qatar Financial Markets                                         (GGGI), worked with the Ministry of Environment

                   for the benefit and protection of the interests of industry                               Authority (QFMA) under the auspices of the Financial                                       and Climate Change to develop a national Climate

                   players, customers and other relevant stakeholders.                                       Stability and Risk Control Committee chaired by                                            Change strategy. The draft strategy is focused

                                                                                                             the Governor of the QCB and Chairman of the                                                on developing five goals, three of which relate to
                                                                                                             QFCRA.  In that connection, the QFCRA participates                                         establishing a list of potential climate-related risks,

                                                                                                             in consultations with the QFCA, the QCB and the                                            a taxonomy as well as capacity building, which

                                                                                                             QFMA on new and amended legislative proposals.                                             are areas of common interest with the QFCRA.

                                                                                                             In addition to the Financial Stability and Risk Control                                    The QFCRA has also undertaken preliminary work related

                                                                                                             Committee, the QFCRA also collaborates with the                                            to sustainability disclosures. In particular, the QFCRA has

                                                                                                             QCB, QFMA, the Qatar Stock Exchange, the Qatar                                             participated in the International Standards of Accounting
                                                                                                             Central Securities Depository and the QFCA through                                         and Reporting (ISAR)’s 39  meeting and became a
                                                                                                             a Joint Committee established by the QCB. The Joint                                        member of a regional partnership chaired by India.

                                                                                                             Committee was established to assess, develop and

                                                                                                             implement multiple financial sector regulatory initiatives                                 In addition, in 2022, the QFCRA has continued to
                                                                                                             which aim to create a financial and capital market that                                    engage with both the Toronto Centre and the IAIS

                                                                                                             leads the region in innovation, efficiency and investor                                    on their respective Community Practice Group

                                                                                                             protection and positions Qatar to unlock its full economic                                 and member surveys on climate related risks.

                                                                                                             potential in line with the 2030 National Vision.
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